bigpaulie426 wrote:On the brighter side, maybe Ted Kennedy will finally kick the bucket, and Republicans will prevail!!!
You know, when that was on the news I actually wondered to myself - who will be the first person I come across who will be cheering because someone who has k1ds and grand**** is seriously ill and could die, just because of where this person comes from and because of the causes he fights for (horrible things like gender equity and protection of the poor from the powerful - horrible, despicable causes that the likes of Jesus and Gandhi would have been dead set against, no doubt).
And in my Top 5, I had: Rush Limbaugh, that moron on Headline News every night, Tucker Carlson, the Yankee fan who killed a guy with her car, and bigpaulie...not necessarily in that order.
I would ask whether you had an ounce of compassion in you, but your political affiliation makes that question moot. Hell, even Pat Buchanan only had nice things to say under the circumstances.
Too loosely paraphrase Rodney King...can't we put aside such immaterial things as politics and sports when it comes to matters of life and death? I mean, really. There are things that matter, and things that really don't. Look at it this way - if (when?) aliens come calling and they turn out to be hostile, we will VERY quickly forget silly distinctions like politics and sports teams and act as a unified species (uh, the junta in Myanmar perhaps being the exception to this). Do we need to wait until something that ridiculous happens before we can consciously set aside our m1nor differences at times when those differences are minimal next to our similarities (such as times of life and death)??
I'm just sayin'...
[That being said, I did recently take brief pleasure in one particular person's hands becoming cold and dead, so I admit I suffer from occasional losses of perspective myself.]