Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 9:01 am
I was going to bring this up in PMs because I really did not want to bring this up (something bad that is) but I think someone needs to and I now think that everyone should at least be aware of what is going on. I've had a few hundred RS files deleted because of 'complaints' over the last few months and well, maybe this is the norm, I don't know. I do know that it does not encourage me to post in the forum.

I want to go on record that in response to this, I felt it necessary to refrain from using Model names, Site names or Photographer names for the past 3 weeks in all of my posts. The results have been very good..that being that not one RS file has 'slipped away' since I instituted this policy. That tells me that someone is using the search tool for key word searches and then tracking threads that have content they don't want released. I feel my 'Anon maneuver', while successful, is unfortunate for all the obvious reasons, the most important being that discussion is the 'fun' at lest for me.

I'm not sure that I'm asking for anything like an 'answer' about this but I would like to know what other people (who I've watched lose files) think/ are planning, etc... It's just nuts to keep re-posting. I'm very sad in privately knowing at least 2 (in my opinion) good posters who have left the board altogether. I'm sad, if not mad, watching great guys/ posters lose whole threads...Should we all stop using names? Should we all discuss better host sites? Lets talk people...

Please don't take this into the ethics of posting, please...I know I'm not alone feeling this way. ssl

ps here is a post today by one of our best posters:

Hello all Twisted Evil
l am a little bit frustrated Crying or Very sad
Sexup and Megaup makes the same Evil or Very Mad
l think the Problem are the Previewpics Confused
And the titles over all Exclamation
i make now a few Posts without Prepics,wanna see what's happen
And we have too lot Members here,and only maybe 50 Peoples are REAL
Members here Exclamation Exclamation
l mean 50 posts and write interesting contributions Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation
And a few feeler gauges are also still here in it Rolling Eyes

so no more preview pics ??? Guess that is the future previews, no names:
Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 10:02 am
You say all Sl Exclamation
Agree Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation
Good Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 12:40 pm
As you can see, many of 30'000 Members, interest in this problem do not have.
lt's not only Rapid,that makes Probs..
The other Hosters too!!
Ziped rared renamed,that's not the only Solution!
The other site is no dump..
No original name, differently up-load pictures somewhere!!
Maybe Helps
Wanna figur out some Solutiones

Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 1:32 pm
and add PW to the files, so the staff at the hosters cannot access contents.

ps: btw, I think more "good" stuff is moving through PM than in the public threads.
Added: May 22, 2006 2:01 pm
some Facts to the Status and the Future of RS :
1. remember the FAQ of RS , they allows no Porn for Uploading, don't forgot!
2. RS is hosted in Germany
Underground News reports , that RS allows some "Institutions" to
check their Contents for "forbidden Files" (mp3, porn,nazifiles,Bomb building Manuals...);German Law constrains they to open their Servers.This Country follows strictly the US-Guideline . Some Info https://www.forumophilia.com
3. nobody is safe for an Abuse-Report of his Files by a "Friend" whatever the base is for it....personal Madness etc.

hope this Flashlight clear somethings , when i have 'stand right the Problem
my English is horrible , sorry... Wink
Retired Legend
Added: May 22, 2006 3:16 pm
Proximer264, your English is better than a lot of native English speaking people lol.

As to Sealion`s point, like some have said, it is best to avoid using a filename that identifies the file as pr0n. And, one should use a password on their RARs so the host`s staff cannot unpack the archives and check out the contents of uploads.
Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 5:01 pm
It's funny ( or suspicious ) only Jonny and Sl lost your links Question Question
What is cause that Question
I think someone inside Exclamation Exclamation
Check today and all my links work fine (Met-art include, with original name in rar file Question)
With the risk to attack in my post, change name and PW in rar resolve the problem in host files, but the people(s) infiltrate inside Question Question Question
Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 6:08 pm
I've heard of the problem elsewhere recently and the concensus is that the filenames seem to be a give away. Names which give a clue that a file contains something that contravenes the 'no sex' rule seem to be the ones hit (although I bet 90% of the files at RS break the rule).

My own theory on which files they delete is that they look for people who are uploading a lot. They look at the list of filenames and delete anything that seems inappropriate. If that is the case then p/w protection won't help.

I've got about 50 files with RS posted over 6 months and the only suspect word is 'fisting' for 3 of them (which happen to be my biggest downloads at about 4000 each).

So what do you name a file to keep it safe? There are places like which look around for RS, MU, SU etc links and have a database which can be searched. I've used it and found several file links with the name of the model I'm looking for, but that name had to be part of the link. So I would suggest using model names as part of the filename so people visiting these sort of sites can find your file.

Other than a name, be subtly descriptive:
Trisha gives Melissa a hand - fisting movie
Tiffany plumbing lesson - fuck movie
Anna watering the garden - watersports

Of course the alternative is to use somewhere like SU which is obviously orientated towards sex but, from my experience, is slow.
Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 8:25 pm
Maybe the webmasters are searching rapidshare themselves to see if anyone is distributing their content. Anybody can search rapidshare and so if your filename is too obvious then the chance of it being discovered is quite high.
Senior VIP club member
Added: May 22, 2006 9:11 pm
Know how you feel SL

I have noticed that files uploaded with the singer and song name for my forum get deleted almost within 7 to 14 days. by changing the file name to something stupid the files last forever. and that is another reason for PW protecting your files.

I wouldnt blame the forum for this one SL its the doings of RS.

Sir D
Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 9:50 pm
O no SDS I'm not blaming the forum at, no, no. What I'm saying is if we:

  1. Tittle threads with site names.
  2. Place site names, model names or photographer names in the threads

then a person from the site who wants to remove posts from here can find them very easily with the 'search'
I'm saying since I stopped do this (giving info. in thread) no files have gone amiss.
Something to consider...I love this place....

ps non of my files have ever had info that would lead to a deletion at RS in the UP-load name...they (the complainer) knew what was it it w/o looking in it...from I presume my post/thread.

Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 10:52 pm
Some sites, like ALS, are extremely vigilant for their content being spread around. A couple of years back, they would get Yahoo groups shut down where memebers were posting ALS pix.

With RS, the TOS do say no p0rn, so all it takes is someone to say itts p0rn, for them to remove it.

With 30,000 members and an open membership, it is difficult to prevent watchdogs.
I don't need no friggin' sig.
Respected Poster
Added: May 23, 2006 2:17 am
Dionysus wrote:
Maybe the webmasters are searching rapidshare themselves to see if anyone is distributing their content. Anybody can search rapidshare and so if your filename is too obvious then the chance of it being discovered is quite high.

Hey Dionysus, I'm not trying to challenge you but I'm a little confused by your statement..I think you may know something that I don't about RS because they say: wrote:
# Can I browse your big file-archive?

No. Not everyone wants his files to be seen by everyone. In order to protect privacy, its absolutely impossible to get files, which URL's you do not know.


so how does "Anybody", or even a webmaster, search all RS ? that is really disturbing if true...elaborate please. I understand that under 'judicial or court ordered release' content my be released to 'authorities' but not the "public at large, webmasters or other sites"


Added: May 23, 2006 5:48 am
The Cordon = Sign in-->Searching Contents with my Site and Modelnames--> extracting DL Links --> Reports to RS for abuse....
its logical. If i had a little Pornsite , i would do that so ! Cool
But why is it limited to a few members here? I mean , this have a personal Touch, u must have an "Enemy"here.
Very mysterious , all that... Evil or Very Mad
...on the other Hand , has our Admin heard some Menaces from other Adultsite-Webmasters about their Properties? Warnings etc ?
That's whats make me wonder to! Some Pornsites are completely archived here now !!! Shocked

no stress Rolling Eyes , my meaning only
Retired Legend
Added: May 23, 2006 9:31 am
New File hosts...

If I may come out of the shadows, and add a comment...

It seems there is wide understanding of the fact that in placing the bulk of files on Rapidshare, locating them is relatively easy for those who want to find them.

Whilst I can offer no immediate nor obvoius solution, I feel it may be worthwhile seeking out alternatives as a means of making it more difficult for this to occur - diversifying the file hosting.

As a premium account holder at rapidshare, I agree it is convenient to get the majority of downloads there, but sometimes there can be benefits in trying something different.

For example, a quick search found the following file hosting facility I haven't seen before - anyone heard of it?

It looks new... I expect there may be others as well - worth checking out. I think it is wise to consider change and seeking out alternatives to achieve a positive outcome.

Very Happy Cool