Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 11, 2024 8:01 am

About video: ‘Tis the Season of the Witch (well, it was when we shot this), kiddiewinks, and intrepid, herculean-mammed lady investigators, Charlie and Hannah, have picked just the wrong night to go snooping around up at the ol’ Meyers (close enuff) Place! Nabbed one by one, the buxom beauties are gagged and bound in a creepy garage by their dark captor. Heavily tape wrapped and hog-lashed, barefoot beauty Charlie wriggles and gag talks. Bouncing up and down on her jumbo tits, the tight jeans-clad babe is frustrated and unable to communicate an escape plan with a similarly gagged up and bound to a pole Hannah. The captive snoops continue to struggle valiantly as it becomes clear that their captor will be looking to dispose of them soon. Will they escape?

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:13:07
File Size : 151Mb
Resolution : 640x480

[url=dead_link_removed;_Hannah_In_Busty_P.Is_All_Hallows_Eve_Bondage_Frightmare.mp4]Charlie_&_Hannah_In_Busty_P.Is_All_Hallows_Eve_Bondage_Frightmare.mp4 (152.0 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 11, 2024 1:51 pm

About video: FULL 41 MINUTE MOVIE: Pigbound and brutally bested, thoroughly TAKEN buxom agents – they never did get their hands on ‘ol Pete’s treasure, but they DID get themselves into plenty of hot bondaged up water instead. Now bodily relocated, the stupendously chested ‘pair’ of heavily trussed captives are one by one brutally onscreen cleave gagged (just check these out and see how right we are) and left to thrash it out helplessly alongside one another, gag talking angrily, both knowing they’ve spectacularly bungled their mission and have only each other (and the bad guy, of course) to blame for it! Insanely proportioned stunner, Charlie, grunts in naked appeal and strains amazingly at her tight ropes while Hannah; that truly wonderful B0rderl@nd stalwart, goes just as nuts herself. This is jaw dropping material, people. After a time, the crook comes back and decides to torment the bound and gagged failures with a bright green feather he quickly sets about tickling them all over with. Maniacal glee he doth exude, too…. As the pair squeal in outrage and sheer subjugation, the perv’s lust is well fed as he works his way up from the soles of their sexy bare feet to their lovely throats, lavishing all his feathery attentions on those outrageously splendid bods. Then he leaves them again to recover (them, not him) and the bound babes go at it miraculously, gag talking with comic fervour and above all else trying to figure a way out. Yeah, RIGHT, girls… This time he’s tied them even tighter still and there is, quite frankly, no hope – especially when he comes back and savagely onscreen wraparound tape gags them, then rolls their squirming arses into mega restrictive hogties! What a monster! Now the thermostat is REALLY turned up as the huge racked fillies buck and twist with ceaseless energy, bouncing back and forth on some seriously formidable boobage and straining ‘til the veins in their heads and necks pop out - so HARD are they gagged. And these two huge-titted sirens NEED a hard gagging

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:41:06
File Size : 364Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

Charlie_C_&_Hannah_Claydon_In_Hot_On_The_Trail_Of_An_Evil_Ol_Pirates_Treasure_-_Or_So_They_Thought.mp4 (364.8 Mb)

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 11, 2024 6:21 pm

About video: FULL MOVIE for our Members. Busty babe extraordinaire Charlie Monaco (she’s a very sexy little lady, mmmmmm) has taken on the responsibility of looking after the storied Leopard People tribe’s relic collection. All are being held in storage up at the Old Lionel Harcross Estate. A wealthy chicken giblets magnate with a dubious connection to the Leopards People’s tribe, it seems they trust the old guy to have the shiz looked after while they prepare to showcase their treasure at an exhibition at the Sudbury Town Hall on Sunday, for no discernible reason. Sound like a load of old twaddle? Well, you might well be right, but what crazed padding for what is about to become… a mind firing tight bondage meltdown, and then some! Resting her hot and sweaty (not to mention exceptionally shapely) heel clad feet, a much sanguine Charlie the Security Guard, eventually slips said heels off to let them tootsies of hers breeeeaaathe. Ahh, and much toe pointing and sole arching later, she is in for quite the surprise. Simon (The CakeSmith) Yardstick, a local armed raider with a roving eye for rare treasures to nick, invades the estate and only Charlie is standing in his way, alone as she is on her nightshift. **** to surrender, she tells him he does not need to tie her up. She will be good and her shift will end soon. He can just come back after she is gone. Can you BELIEVE this?? Needless to say, the dude ties her up with hardcore tape, jams a sock straight in her kisser and brutally cleave tape wraps the chesty mare. Then he leaves her all taped up to quite trouser-inflatingly high levels indeed to rock it in all that chaired-up mega bondage. Our authoritarian, derailed beauty attempts again and again to articulate full sentences through her gargantuan gag, her gorgeous long legs cross-bound extra tight, twisting out every high heel squeak up on that desk. Then, before she knows it, her warm, sweaty feet are unleashed for the duration, until she is finally let loose by her commander who rushes the house to rescue her

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:17:21
File Size : 255Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

[url=dead_link_removed;_Heavily_Restrained_By_The_Relic_Bandit.mp4]Charlie_Monaco_In_Hot_Footed_Security_Beauty_Jumped_&_Heavily_Restrained_By_The_Relic_Bandit.mp4 (255.2 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 11, 2024 11:13 pm

About video: FULL MOVIE for our Members: More major duty tape bondage for our exceptionally popular duo of Carla and Chloe. Have you seen these two bound and gagged together in their previous outing yet? Now they really endure a tight total taping, particularly about their well-packaged upper bodies. Tis a wonder they can take it. So wonder. Dream, and experience! Stunning busty blonde, Chloe, nicely adorned in figure-accentuating tight tee-shirt and denim-cutoffs, has been captured along with lithesome and beautiful gal detective partner Carla. Having been caught snooping around the lodge of deranged lumberjack, Pietro (PartyPooper) McStaySafe, the girls must surrender. Their pretty legs crossed as they sit in chairs, hands up in surrender (very cute), the ladies are trussed up with mondo-duty silver tape. As our plucky sleuths warn of the problems McStaySafe will face should he choose to proceed down this dark path, they succeed in securing themselves a hard gagging. Hot, protesting mouths plugged up with cloth wads, the one by one muzzled and outraged girls grunt and strain in their chairs as they are walled up about the gobs in the usual frenzied and major league fashion. Then the nabbed detectives are instructed to stay quiet and still while the lumberjack heads downstairs to check for any other interference that may be coming his way. Yes, it seems chopping down certain trees is against the law, and this clown is always on the wrong side of it anyway. No way he is gonna let these two meddlers report him until he has had a chance to escape into the, um, forest. Yeah, the forest! Meanwhile, the bound and gagged duo struggle valiantly, genuinely appalled by how thickly their mouths are stuffed and how cheek-bulgingly tightly their wraparound gags are bound in place. They try fruitlessly to get at one another’s ankle restraints with heir sexy, pump-clad feet, to no avail. A creaking, bouncing ton of chairbound squirming and ultra-muzzled gag talk later and the stashed girls hear a knock at the door. Going crazy trying to alert whoever it is to heir massive captivity, both are admonished by the stressed out lumberjack, who even binds their heavily restrained legs back to their chairs, the freak. Now they can’t even move them either

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:14:52
File Size : 142Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

Chloe_&_Carla_In_Wickedly_Tape_Packaged,_Heavily_Gagged_Up_Girl_Snoops_Cannot_Alert_The_Visitors_Downstairs.mp4 (142.3 Mb)

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 12, 2024 4:01 am

About video: “Wow, Chloe! They got you AGAIN?? How come these naughty brats keep ON getting the better of you like this? Ah, noted, this time it was the BIG brats, was it? We see… They shouldn’t even have been here and their asses don’t require sitting, but clearly they just came over to get you all roped up without any clothes on. We forgot to mention also that their games are slightly shadier than what you might be used to! What’s that Chloe?? Hmmmmm. OK, hang on, let’s get that gag out of your mouth…”
It began when Chloe, that amazing babysitting blonde fitness-stunner, who her charges keep tying up was captured in an upstairs room. All part of the plan, she goes along with it at first, generally believing she’s providing a service, but when the gag comes out, she isn’t so happy! No matter, too late to back out now -she’s getting it anyway!
Hopping across the room, the tightly bound and cloth gagged beauty flops onto a bed and starts grinding out move after piping hot move, displaying her wonderful bare soles the whole while. Creamy soles, at that, with perfect, manicured, waggling toes. She does a lot of work with her amazing feet and that is why love her so much. This chick really gives us what we want while lashes up with a load of rope.
Writhing around frantically on the bed, she is just settling on a plan to bunny hop away again when the Brats are upon her. Noting, with excitement, the bound lady’s progress, they decide she needs to be tied good and secure in a chair. No way can she topple that thing over onto the floor, without breaking her face in the process. Such a beauty surely won’t want to risk that. So there, she’ll be held!
Tightly gagged over her mouth with a man’s handkerchief (pa’s, of course) and also socked up and cloth wrapped some more, the gaggings are thick and not so fast. You’ll love them. Classic. Old School. Insanely tight. Then out comes that duct tape and the next phase of Enemy Agent Chloe (that is what she’s become to the demented whippersnappers who’ve got her) shall involve her being interrogated as to the origins of her mission. After, of course, allowing the hot beauty a glass of water. It is all pretend, after all. And these brats have hearts, it seems!
Her glass of water sipped at, the enchanting babysitter is promptly gagged again. Cloth to the mouth, lots of silver tape slapped over it. That’ll do it! There is a clear enjoyment from gagging the feisty captive – on her part also. And Chloe is left to struggle bound and gagged in her chair. So she won’t talk, eh?? Won’t answer questions? Well, she shall be rendered mute and left tied up back here in a chair while calls are mad to her superiors. How much will they cough up to get her back in one piece??
The brats LOVE that Chloe is their hostage and even mock her (in between gaggings) allowing her to speak on the phone and even leaving it in her lap – like she’s somehow supposed to do a solitary thing about it! It’s a treat to watch the increasingly frustrated babysitter struggling around on her seat. Those struggles, after her epic bed shenanigans, might just clinch the gold. It’s a true spectacle and worthy addition to the Chloe the BabySitter chronicles. We’ve done quite a few of them by now and they just never get old. Chloe is at her sexiest and most intense here. Get ready for a lot of fun in the Interrogation Room with her… But wait until those motherfucking big brats have left first, won’t you? They’re already starting to yawn, so shouldn’t be long!! Then we’ll have this delicious girl all to ourselves. Mwuhahahahahahaha

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:19:51
File Size : 1168Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

Chloe_In_Bound_By_The_Big_Brats_That_Gorgeous_Babysitter_&_The_Interrogation_Chamber_Game.mp4 (1168.2 Mb)

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 12, 2024 8:33 am

About video: In this EXCLUSIVE awesome mini-adventure, we find beautiful, blonde, naked and longing for a nice hot bath, Chloe all home alone. The smouldering vixen is relaxed, not alert. The busty stunner stretches and twines her amazing body as she purrs to herself. That is when she is rudely interrupted with a tight handgag and a brutal tit mauling by a roaming burglar. The pervy bad guy ties her up and decides to keep her quiet while he robs the place. Slapping a couple of strips of tape over her hard nipples, he gags her with another, then smooths the rest out across her lips, extra tight, as the furious blonde squirms against him, gag talking urgently, while he loots her house. First we have the silenced naked hostage writhing around up on her expensive foot stool, gag talking amazingly and scanning the room with her frantic big brown eyes. Is there no way out of this?? What else is this nutcase planning for her? All she knows is that she must somehow find a way out before he comes back to fondle and torment her again! We next witness our the hot blonde birdie struggle down from her perch to the floor, waving her delicious round arse all over the place (nice touch) and latterly wriggling around, all fish-like, on her huge tits, on the rug. After a while, that dreaded burglar returns, roughly gropes her big tits some more and then bundles her away over his shoulder, presumably to relocate the squirming hostage in the bedroom! Never id Chloe, we’ll rescue you! Later

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:08:19
File Size : 120Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

Chloe_In_Help_The_Fiend_Just_Grabbed_Me,_Tied_Me_Up_While_I_Was_Naked_&_Robbed_My_House.mp4 (120.4 Mb)

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 12, 2024 2:28 pm

About video: FULL 21 MINUTE MOVIE for our Members: A true cleave gag fan’s dream, we have three beautiful girls in two diabolical situations up at Winegum Hall. We may recall that fearsome blonde secret agent (until she gets bound and gagged) Lissa is the one The Agency send in when there is a sudden disappearance of one of their lady agents. Lissa has a propensity for getting to the bottom of things, and then kicking arse. What a chick! And we recall that she may have been somewhat less than successful in her last mission but relish the opportunity now to trawl back through her journal and find out what befell her and two other young hotties, also now missing! Busty blonde favourite Chloe is joined by fitness babe supreme Carla. The girls are in tightass denim shorts and form-accentuating t-shirts. On their feet, Carla sports Converse and Chloe some sexy canvas pumps. Sockless (begging for those soft feet to come out later) the intrepid cuties wend their way through the house, looking (snooping, if you prefer, which you do) for clues re the evil Count Winegum’s activities. Like once-probing, now trussed up, Lissa, they are of course, taken out, and by different minions of the Count. These two are assaulted and handgagged, then bound and very tightly bandanna gagged in an upstairs room. Struggling and gag talking to one another, the sexy little bitches squirm and try to loosen their gags. Will they succeed? While we mull that one over (or watch the clip) we find out how their colleague, the buxom, intensely sexy Lissa, is getting on. Bound and gagged tightly on a sofa, she is soon hauled off over the bad guy’s shoulder and dumped unceremoniously against a wall and left to struggle urgently. Now it’s time to check on the two captives upstairs, with this gag-fuming one is stringently hoglashed and hidden away for safekeeping. Oh Girls, we’re coming for you – and your sneakers

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:20:52
File Size : 227Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

[url=dead_link_removed;_Lissa_In_From_The_Journal_Of_Secret_Agent_Love,_The_Creepy_Case_Of_The_Bandanna_Gagged_Snoops.mp4]Chloe,_Carla_&_Lissa_In_From_The_Journal_Of_Secret_Agent_Love,_The_Creepy_Case_Of_The_Bandanna_Gagged_Snoops.mp4 (227.6 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 12, 2024 6:59 pm

About video: FULL 20 MINUTE MOVIE for our Members: Another kinky tale of a hot captured career egghead, and, in this case, the capture of her dumb bimbo assistant. Robbed of her secret formula papers, bound, gagged and left for the cops to find, it’s a classic bondage caper. These girls should know by now that the B0rderl@nd bad guys always get what they came for, and the ladies ALWAYS get tied up in their wake. This time it’s ultra-busty Maisie and Crystal getting it, and they get it good! As assistant stroke bodyguard (why not?) to huge-mammed research chemist (whatever that is) Crytsal Kingston, super-fit Maisie is in the shower and notes she has no towel with which to dry her amazing self. It’s while hunting one up, naked, that she hears a noise. Then she gets a handgag. THEN, she winds up trussed and detective gagged in a closet. The masked raider who has done this lies in wait for Ms Kingston, who upon hearing sounds emanating from that closet, falls for the trap. She too is tightly handgagged and the pair are left bound and very tightly cleave gagged in an upstairs room.Both hotties struggle and strain, trying to communicate around all of that thick, tight cloth tying their mouths, and fail to come up with anything decipherable. They do manage, between them, to get the luscious Crystal’s shoes off (great because she has perfect feet and immaculately painted toes, just like Maisie)and then it’s foot time for both ravishing bound maidens. After a while, that evil goon comes back, announcing that he is after the code to unlock a safe containing top secret papers pertaining to the Profundo Experiment, so secret we can’t tell you what’ it’s about. Bummer, eh? Not that you give a pig’s whistle about that, you just want us to stop talking so you can check these two straining tied up beauties out. But there is a little bit more first. Now the barefoot beauties, having been given a brief opportunity to spill it re that report, their gags hanging against their throats, are savagely re-muzzled with thick knotted rags. Grrrmmmmppphhhh

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:20:52
File Size : 252Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

[url=dead_link_removed;_Maisie_In_Well-Stacked_Research_Chemist_&_Her_Dizzy_Assistant_Robbed_Of_The_Top_Secret_Profundo_Report.mp4]Crystal_&_Maisie_In_Well-Stacked_Research_Chemist_&_Her_Dizzy_Assistant_Robbed_Of_The_Top_Secret_Profundo_Report.mp4 (252.6 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 12, 2024 11:46 pm

About video: Beautiful, nosy, meddling secret agent duo, Daisy and Cali, are onto a gang of international diamond smugglers. Planning on infiltrating a cocktail party being held up at the crooks’ hideout – a spooky old manor out in the country, the babes are getting ready to seduce and deduce! Of course, it’s not too long before the hot little head turners are ambushed and quickly subdued, gagged and bound. Look at ‘em go! Wow, those gags are on TIGHT! As the girls continue to struggle, they lose their shoes, and gain some extra tight tape too. Bound, humiliated and held, these two top damsels surely are.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:15:55
File Size : 146Mb
Resolution : 640x480

[url=dead_link_removed;_Cali_In_Ridiculously_Tight_Gags_For_These_Two_Captured_Cocktail_Agents,_Immediately.mp4]Daisy_&_Cali_In_Ridiculously_Tight_Gags_For_These_Two_Captured_Cocktail_Agents,_Immediately.mp4 (146.9 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 13, 2024 4:28 am

About video: In this first ever outing for B0rderland B0und’s favourite psychotic culinary bad boy, warmly toned and impossibly busty beauty, Dani, and her similarly scantily-clad fellow undercover agent, and mentor, Nikki, have infiltrated the lair of Sir Ian McPekingDuck… and so shall be repeatedly gagged and bound while waiting for their dinner… yummy!......

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:22:31
File Size : 155Mb
Resolution : 640x480

[url=dead_link_removed;_Nikki_In_The_Psycho_Chefs_First_Course,_Two_Undercover_Agents_On_A_Bed_Of_Lettuce.mp4]Dani_&_Nikki_In_The_Psycho_Chefs_First_Course,_Two_Undercover_Agents_On_A_Bed_Of_Lettuce.mp4 (155.5 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 13, 2024 8:57 am

About video: FULL MOVIE for our Members: One of our earliest girl on girl bondage shoots turned out very well. Consummate pros, gorgeous Danielle and Victoria knew just how to take us all out in deep, pleasurable waters. Here it is, for our Members! ‘Tis a brave battle indeed, this one. Dani and Victoria are the two top Dominatrixes on the block (or so THEY like to think) and one way or another, they were ‘bound’ to clash. Dani takes the lead early on, coming at the tape-wielding Victoria with a roll of her own and wrestling her down onto the couch. It’s a valiant struggle to be sure, but after some hair-pulling and proper bitchy catfight-style mouth and action, Victoria goes down and submits to the TRUE Mistress’s tape. Bound firmly at the wrists onscreen by true pro, Dani, she must sit there, humiliated, in total capitulation, as she is stripped naked, then teased mercilessly and informed she is going to close down her business and then get out of town – in that order… but first, she’s’ gonna bow down large-style to the New Top Dom About Town and this means a number of humbling actions first need performing, including repeated kissing of Danielle’s soft bare feet. Mmmmm. Naughty Danielle then strips, carefully removing her new bikini underwear before unceremoniously stuffing this into the mouth of her new subject! Victoria chokes back on them indignantly as she is next – again onscreen (how cool is THAT) – wraparound tape-gagged by Danielle, who relishes every turn of that strong grey duct tape. Totally silenced, Victoria is shoved down on the couch where she submits to further chidings intermingled with myriad kisses all over her face and breasts by the fully in control Danielle. Not too good a look for a once-so-called-Dom eh? To cap it all off, Dani breaks out a pen and scrawls a couple of choice items on the prone submissive’s gorgeous nude frame – just a reminder of her full authority – before leaving the tightly tape-gagged and bound trollop to writhe in what might actually be partial enjoyment on the sofa while she heads off to let the townsfolk know she is the victor. If you like your feisty babes and girl-on girl-sexy action, look no further than this white-hot little number. More from this beautiful pair soon. Enjoy

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:16:38
File Size : 316Mb
Resolution : 1920x1080

[url=dead_link_removed;_Victoria_Summers_In_Battle_Of_The_Bikini_Dominatrixes.mp4]Danielle_Maye_&_Victoria_Summers_In_Battle_Of_The_Bikini_Dominatrixes.mp4 (316.9 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 13, 2024 2:09 pm

About video: FULL 46 MINUTE MOVIE for our Members: The girls are discussing checking out that new club every asswipe has been raving about; buy some new damned shoes and a tight little dress apiece…?? OR… are they gonna investigate what that strange noise from the other room was? We think you’ll know the answer to that one, and it’s Dani out of the starter first, nimbly trotting her breathtakingly gorgeous little arse off to check about the apartment while Victoria presumably stays where she is and, uh, does her nails or something... Well, it ain’t long before our Dani finds herself on the wrong end of a rubber cosh and it’s Good Night Vienna for the gargantuan-boobed little minx. She wakens cleave gagged with a wicked tight red bandana gag and soon carted off over the dude’s shoulder (he’s a burglar who is gonna make sure he steals every last stick of furniture while he has these two bound and gagged) only to be dumped unceremoniously on the bed. BUT, where is Victoria? Never you mind; all you need to know is that she’s quickly back to discover her room-mate tightly trussed and gagged. Before she can free her, it’s hand over the kisser time as she wrestles like an ensnared banshee in her captor’s harsh grasp. Another solid bash to the nut sorts HER cute little naked arse out and he quickly has both babes firmly trussed and exceptionally tightly over the mouth gagged. Now THAT’s what we call business. This guy ain’t messin’ about. Naturally, here at B0rderland B0und, it’s a long way from over for THESE two feisty, gag-talking wrigglers. Although the guy is in and out to check on the bound, gagged and seriously struggling gorgeous duo, he’s still rather successfully getting away with all of their most valued possessions at the same time. The pair can but writhe on the bed before as he returns to torment them and even ropes Dani into a hogtie of her own. When the incapacitated duo have no success mmmmmpphhhing their ways to his ‘better’ nature, (he just gagged Victoria again with black tape, the rotter) the enraged girls switch to highly unintelligibly mocking him behind their gags, laughing at his perceived ineptitude as a burglar. They’ll pay for that. Now to living room truss them up naked with thick cleave gags in their mouth – followed by big stuffed up tape wraps and a LOT of writhing around suggestively shoving their wicked busty bodies at us

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:45:43
File Size : 221Mb
Resolution : 720x576

Danielle_Maye_&_Victoria_Summers_In_Bondage_Burglar_Has_Other_Plans_For_Their_Evening.mp4 (221.8 Mb)

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 13, 2024 6:43 pm

About video: FULL 33 MINUTE MOVIE for our Members. Captive Danielle, aka, Lady Law, struggles helplessly gagged and bound on a dingy bed in a dingier still back room! She’s been well bound, squirming in her chair, her mouth snugly gagged with tight white cloth over her full, sensual lips. With legs up to the ceiling and a huge, most bountiful rack, the amazingly cute babe is the token rookie looking to make a name for herself. Having taken it upon herself to stealth her way into the home of the suspect, a local butcher who happens to be involved with some… secret meats, shall we say, the unwitting lady cop is stalked from the moment she arrives. Finally confronted, she got taken out gooood and onscreen trussed into a chair, her mouth very tightly gagged with cloth. Struggling and twisting with those incredible legs, the gag talking captive is helpless to resist. The strange meats her sudden captor has been purveying are at the forefront of her reeling mind right now as those thick ropes encircle her busty bod and that cloth gag tied over her mouth adds to her anxiety. Next, with her mouth snugly gagged again, cleave-style, with cloth, the mmmmpppphhhhinnng beauty squirms, outraged as she is further bound. Seems the suspect has found his latest victim in the stunning young officer here. He will be keeping Lady Law here for a while longer, next planning to tie her up in one of his back bedrooms. She is bundled into a back room and trussed up on a bed. What is this guy planning for her, and how can she escape? These are things that remain unanswered. What is sure is that the straining babe is to be gagged again, just as tightly, this time with a thick black cloth cleave between her teeth. This madman cannot risk having her calling out for help and he still hasn’t figured out how to get rid of her yet. Surely there must be some way she can free her trussed wrists and get to her radio. She squirms pigbound and helpless, just as you might expect and have yearned for

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:32:44
File Size : 369Mb
Resolution : 1280x720


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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 13, 2024 11:12 pm

About video: FULL MOVIE for our Members: Hogbound and VERY helpless, the young ladies are having their shoes and socks stripped off now! Absolutely gorgeous Dannii and Carley are sexy uniformed college babes looking for a bit of an adventure while bored on their half term hols. Now, ordinarily they might have gotten changed into more casual attire when on holiday, however, not at B0rderland B0und. Here the girls dress as you want them to be dressed, replete with tight fitting shorts and skirts, cute little socks and loafers and neck ties. And here the ultra-cuties are now, sneaking into the Old CrispyShreddedBeef Place while the evil owner is thought to be away on business. The girls (wouldn’t you have guessed it?) are amateur sleuths in their spare time and are looking to bust a mystery or two. This one revolves around some missing Toby mugs, gone from the local tavern. It is believed that the guy behind it is the owner of this very place, and that he is currently under the protection of the even worse Count WigFluff. Now the Count has some truly shady dealings going on and is rumoured to be rather fond of the sexy young ladies to boot. Would it not be just AWFUL if he got his mitts on them? Let’s hope they don’t get captured! But the girls are not in any way alone here and are being stalked through the halls by the depraved occupant (not really away on business) Martin LemSip, who intends to snare the nosy little tarts and keep them as an offering for the Count when he comes round for dinner at 8pm. Carley is the first to be nabbed, handgagged and bundled away before Dannii gets a chance to hear her dramatic fall from her perch. Wending his way through the secret passageways threading throughout the house, the bad bastard gets the drop on Dannii the same way. The girls are quickly trussed up and very tightly cloth over the mouth gagged in a sinister attic room and left to mumble and squirm before being hogtied and stripped barefoot. We wonder why. Now we know. Boom, in go the socks and the pretty toes are fit to be tied

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:19:59
File Size : 254Mb
Resolution : 1280x720

[url=dead_link_removed;_Carley_In_On_Our_Half_Term_Hols,_We_Got_Caught_Snooping_Around_A_Creepy_Mans_House_&_He_Tied_Us_Up_In_His_Attic.mp4]Dannii_&_Carley_In_On_Our_Half_Term_Hols,_We_Got_Caught_Snooping_Around_A_Creepy_Mans_House_&_He_Tied_Us_Up_In_His_Attic.mp4 (254.2 Mb)[/url]

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Feb 14, 2024 3:54 am

About video: Bound and gagged, on a mattress in an upstairs bedroom, having been overpowered at Dannii’s lavish multimillion home by a masked burglar formerly posing as the gardener, the incensed, squirming beauties were first tied and gagged with duct tape strips while writhing amazingly in their bonds. All that sticky tape over their mouths keeps them pleasantly mmmmmppphhhhing and groaning sensually. The captive girls were then bodily removed from the scene and hidden, bound and gagged yet again, in this bedroom. They listened intently; cleave gagged and helpless while the crook hinted at stripping them to their undies. Later, with the feisty duo gagged with foam balls and tape wrapped around their mouths and heads, many times, Jenna is thoroughly ball tied, humiliated and gag talking bitterly. Dannii is wrestled to her lovely bare feet and over the shoulder lugged across to the futon where she is efficiently hogtied while she squirms and twists maddeningly against her captor. Thus perfectly immobilised, the captive pair are left locked away in the room while the remainder of the 2 million pound mansion is plundered but good by highly skilled thief, Bas. And so, the final extended round of intensely sexy struggling and fervent gagged up communication attempts round out this epic, multi-gag and truss up bonanza featuring two extremely hot and busty as sin Glamour Babe Supremes

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:33:08
File Size : 243Mb
Resolution : 640x480

[url=dead_link_removed;_Jenna_In_What_Have_You_Done_With_The_Real_Gardener.mp4]Dannii_&_Jenna_In_What_Have_You_Done_With_The_Real_Gardener.mp4 (243.3 Mb)[/url]

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