Title: Chelsea Pfeiffer, Kyra Fox - Presenting Herself For A Spanking
Listing Description:The theme is pink and black, as lovely Kyra is fetching dressed in pink and black lingerie for her sensual spanking experience. Chelsea coaxes the beauty over her knee, getting ready to turn add a little red to the color scheme. Soon, results begins to show as Chelsea hand spanks Kyra pert little behind till it's rosy red. And, then comes the implements. Chelsea decides to venture in a different direction than usual, choosing a little, snappy OTK style cane. It's small, but most effective, as it delivers desired results...little red cane marks across Kyra's already red behind.
Model: Chelsea Pfeiffer, Kyra Fox
Download Format: MP4
Length: 00:07:13
Size: 320 MB
Resolution: 1920x1080