Title: Nico - Nico From Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Listing Description:I met this beautiful nineteen year old on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She was chosen as one of the potential slayers for season seven. I was chatting up a blond extra about doing a spanking video, when Nico walked up and said ' I want to do a spanking movie'. She told me how she enjoyed rough sex...yada yada. Scarlet and I didn't really expect her to show, but hire my niece for the make-up gig. Well, low and behold this cutie showed!
We were so sure that she wasn't really coming, I scheduled a punishment session for Scarlet ( her college grades came back...to coin Trump 'Not Good!') Once these are scheduled, there is no postponement.
Nico was amazed how much my spanking hurt. She begged and pleaded between spankings for it to be over. Scarlet said " Trust me, if you knew what I had coming later you would realize how good you have it!" Nico said " You are getting a spanking tonight?" Scarlet being the smartass she is said, "Did I stutter?"
Long story short... Nico wanted to stay and watch Scarlet's bath brush punishment. She found our stash of wine... Scarlet got a paddling with that brush that made Nico cry.
We all went to breakfast at Marmalade Cafe the next morning.
Model: Nico
Download Format: MP4
Length: 00:12:36
Size: 128 MB
Resolution : 640x480