Title: Andrea Rosu & Mia Annabella - Double Trouble For Joey Sneakers
Description: Joey Sneakers can't help himself! Narrowly escaping with his life from his last encounter at the Jade Palace, he is back for more... and wants to DOUBLE his pleasure this time! Opting for "Madam's Choice" to choose his two sexy providers, he waits in excited expectation for who might walk through the door to greet him.He is not disappointed.
Andrea Rosu and Mia Annabella appear together in the door frame dressed in the sexiest lingerie and heels. He's tingling with anticipation as they slowly slide toward him with sultry, hungry eyes. Mia sits beside stroking Joey's hooded head as Andrea speaks first, almost with a hiss as she crawls up to straddle his hips, "Double the pleasure...double the fun, right Joey Sneakers?" He nods his head yes as the two position themselves over his hips side by side, grabbing his hands inviting him to massage their ample breasts. They feel each other and engage in light kissing which really sends Joey into a tizzy.
"Now," Mia whispers, "we want that cock of yours to stay nice and heard for us," and produces a small pill which Joey eagerly gobbles up! As he does, the two look at each other and giggle divulging that the pill was actually a neuroparalytic that will greatly inhibit his movement and zap him of any strength. "Compliments of Fat Frank," Andrea adds. "This town's not big enough for the both of you and Fat Franco wants it all... so he sent us to 'take care of you'," as she uses her fingers for air quotes.
With that, the two move quickly into position and crunch every bone in his body with various scissorholds until finally finished off by Andrea smothering him with her juicy ass!
Format: MP4
Duration: 16 Min
Size: 326 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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