Title: AstroDomina, Sloansmoans, Gisele Amore - Outnumbered (Part 1-4)
Description: Description: Part 1: Somewhere in the hills, in a house there was a struggle.. Goddess Sydney has teamed up with Goddess Sloan and found their way into an unsuspecting man's house and now have him right where they want him - tied up, gagged and cock caged.
Part 2: In the second part of this series, Goddess Sydney and Sloan have moved their captives into the car and are transporting them to the safehouse. There, they will just have to wait to find out what their fate is.
Part 3: After a long drawn out car ride where Sydney's and Sloan's slaves were taunted, prodded and tormented, they're finally back at the safe house. Both of them are still bound, and leaning over some furniture.
Part 4: I've definitely had some fun with our two slaves and my partner, but there's still a few surprises left!.. In this final act, we open to see Goddess Sydney playing on the piano, and not only Gisele and Zack still tied up, but Sloan as well!
Format: MP4
Duration: 61 Min
Size: 3800 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080