Title: July 16, 2020 - Strap-On Idol (Part 1 of 4)
Description: Introducing vintage features! This AVN nominated parody of OG American Idol stars Zoey Holloway as Simon Cowell, director Dee Severe as Paula Abdul and Sinnamon Love as Randy Jackson. In round 1, the judges check out the first crop of contestants by making them strip naked, bend over and spread their asses for inspection. The judges wield dildos and butt plugs to determine who is worthy of going on to the next round. Some pass inspection, some prove over-confident, and some just didn't pay attention when they were applying. And that's just the beginning - in subsequent rounds the lucky semifinalists get their butts reamed by the judges, while the finalists participate in a full on pegging orgy. (Part 1 of 4)
With: Mutt Michael, Slut Bottom Chris, Holden Holliday, Dee Severe, Jimmy Broadway, Baylock, Sinnamon Love, Bella, Tommy Toscano, Jake Wild, Zoey Holloway, Jack Steele
Categories: Anal, Big Dick, Brunet, Buttplug, Crop, Dildo, Ebony, Femdom, Orgy, Parody, Pegging, Shaped, Shaved, Straight, Strap On, Switch, Tattoo, Versatile, White
Format: MP4
Duration: 24 Min
Size: 897 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
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