Title: Mistress Ezada Sinn - The first ruined and the last real orgasms
Description: It's time for My new young slave to learn what a ruined orgasm is. Because someone like him - a slave - does not deserve to ever feel orgasmic pleasure, he has to cum only for medical reasons, without any trace of sexual gratification. His only pleasure from an orgasm will be to know that he pleases Me with it, by having it ruined. Because his cock is under My control, making him also completely powerless in front of Me.I know he can't resist seeing Me dressed it this tight shiny latex dress, I can see his cock getting harder. Good, because I am going to show him what a ruined orgasm feels like, and then I will allow him to have a real one, for comparison. His last real orgasm ever, so, for his sake, I hope he'll have a strong one.#1 clip in category "HANDJOBS"
Format: MP4
Duration: 7 Min
Size: 386 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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