Title: Jul 8, 2020: Cell Sick 4th | slave Lucy
Description: Day 9 of slave lucy (SLRN #142-692-341) AKA Tranny Pig's evaluation.
Caged outdoors, on the 4th of July; unable to sit or stand. Fear of disappointing its Master, and totally unable to resist, the caged pig endures all manner of torments. The walls of the concrete cell are covered in spider webs. Eyes closed as fireworks explode near its head; trapped by heavy steel, **** to vomit on itself, brier thorns digging into its scalp.
Is this slave meat worthy of the collar around its neck? Will it become property?
BDSM, TPE slave, MtF, Transgender, Tranny Pig, Freak, Steel Cage, Caged, Bondage, Male Master, Slave Training, Early Training, Pain,, Sadomasochism, Total Power Exchange, Metal, Steel, Dildo, Gagging, Puke, Vomit, Degradation, Pet, Suffering, Septum Ring, Shaved Head, Bald, Creature, Pig, Briers, Thorns, Nature, Fireworks, DEBRIS, DEBRISx
Format: MP4
Duration: 22:07 Min
Size: 1134 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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