Title: Lil Missy's Office Ordeal: Brutal Strappado, Drooling, and Hogtie Hell!
Description: Missy's heart raced as she stepped into her boss's office, her satin blouse brushing against her skin with every nervous movement. The dim lighting cast shadows across the room, amplifying her unease. Her boss gestured for her to take a seat, his gaze lingering a moment too long on her exposed thighs before he pressed play on a video.
The screen flickered to life, showing a beautiful girl bound in a strict strappado position, a massive harness ballgag filling her mouth. Missy's stomach churned, her discomfort evident as she questioned her boss's intentions. She desperately hoped he wouldn't subject her to the same ordeal.
But her hopes were shattered when he handed her a pack of long zipties, instructing her to recreate the bondage from the video. Reluctantly, she began to secure her legs, the cold plastic biting into her skin with each pull of the ziptie.
Soon, Missy found herself fully bound, her legs tightly sausaged by the zipties, the pressure causing her skin to bulge between the tight loops. Her arms were cruelly secured behind her in a stringent position, her elbows touching and bound tightly together. Her blouse was unbuttoned, revealing her perky breasts, adding to her vulnerability.
Related Categories: Ballgagged,DID,Rope Bondage,Struggling,Tapegagged
Format: MP4
Duration: 41 Min
Size: 1823 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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