svinto wrote:Hi
JCTul you are asking about something that has always been an issue in this forum.
The search function doesn't work on url's and that is a major setback.
If you are looking for the pass on this particular file it is
kool .
Several ideas on how to work around this have been ventilated in many threads.
My method is since I'm using a download manager to save the file to a folder named with the pass if there are many files in a thread I wan't at the same time.
The oher method for the single downloads is to give the pass in the savefile name ie pw-kool-sv20.part1.rar.
On occasions I have forgot both and then I will have to just roll with the punch.
I do the same thing,
svinto and also somtimes I will create an empty text file within the directory with the name of the password, ie, pw-kool.txt
That way I can see the password without having to acutally open the text file.
Sorry if this has been posted many times before as svinto said.