Basically I like music from nearly all genres
- rock and most music made by bands: it nearly always results in a boring sound where each band-member tries to be louder than the other one and is poor of variations. In particular, metal, indie-rock and emo suck.
An example for an exeption is my favorite band, Pram.
- most commercial pop; that should be clear, no further explanation here
- techno: 4/4 is soooo boring!
- rap: i can't stand the attitude of most MCs. But I like abstract hip-hop (like machine drum, prefuse 73 or push button objects very much! ) without rap.
- most classic music: totally overrated and boring! But I like chamber music like from JS Bach and so.
So what's left, you might ask?
Lot's of interesting stuff! E.g. I like breakcore and IDM, french music from 60s and the present, japanese music from different ages and lot's of stuff from the 60s in general.
Here are a few on-topic examples: on-topic as this is an adult forum with focus on young girls.
Let's start with something fresh and explicit:
isn't she hot?
One of her recent singles is "ready to uff" which's actuall lyrics are more like "ready to fuck". Yes uffie, why not...
Next one: Young-er, but older!
How's that possible?
France Gall was only 17 when she won the grand prix de la chanson eurovision for Luxemburg 1965 with the Serge Gainsbourg song "Poupée de cire, poupée de son".
Later she sang another S. Gainsbourg song, which again is nicely on-topic:
Les sucettes. France thought, this song is about delicious sugar sticks, but in fact it was about oral-sex, but she got it only very much later and was very angry to Serge Gainsbourg because of this.....
[But Gainsbourg was a real sexo: Unforgettable: When he said to Whitney Houston "I want to fuck you" on a french TV show (1986), watch it here: ]
Even young-er?
What about Wendy and Bonnie?
when they recorded their great one and only album "genesis", they were only 13 and 17!
Even young-er?
What about p_r_e_t_e_e_n hip-hop?
Then listen to the Dave Soldier Project "da hip-hop raskalz":
"Do the Lollypop" and "I want candy" aren't so bad either...