I enjoy your posts..........I'm just fed up with her website, and them not having any good sample pictures, and not being able to join anymore. I hoped she'd maybe move on to another site, but it looks like it isn't going to happen, I've just gotten too tired to try anymore. It's time for me to move on to easier sites to join. My interest in her is no longer there. Perhaps if there was a good topless or see thru pic. it might spark my interest, but other then that, I'm done.
That's sites done!....they don't even respond when you email them. I've emailed them why my credit card doesn't work there, but works at other sites....No response. If she dosn't get away from that site, in anothe year No one will care anymore....No interest from me anymore.
Well, it looks like the only thing the webmaster can do is to threat people who are posting pics from his sites or to give impolite answers to those who ask what happened with with his other models.
Yeah, I hear ya......He's the only webmaster that I've seen that is sooooo stingy with pics. His little 2"x2" pictures that he posts on previews, and when you go to sites that have updates on a lot of the models, there are some pretty good pictures.....but not him, when you click on his models, it just takes you to their opening page. I don't care anymore, Svenga/Sarah doesn't look nearly as good as she used to anyway. The dark hair doesn't work, and she's putting on the Pounds.....I'd say she's just about used up as far as Model income is concerned, and she'll just be another model in a multi model....10.00 for all site models in about a year.