Well, I have about 150 gigs on my HDs and some 30 CDs or DVDs worth of XXX vids, pix are not so much my thing, thats only about 2 or 3 gigs...
Still, I am fairly organized there, I sort them right after DL and delete them regularly after watching them (if they werent that good) or after about a month on HD (if they were good but still not THAT good
). The best of the best get burned when my drive starts filling up, and I do have my favorites that I return to every now and then to see them go again (like German actress Tyra Misoux, some KarupsHA girls, and a lot of young and pretty russian girls that look so innocent and get it on so fucking horny
Most of the stuff I keep are amateurish productions (street pickup stuff like the famous early Excuse Me vids or some casting flicks), vids where the chicks cum, and a few high-class, women-suitable films to watch with my GF who is as slutty as they come
and I guess sooner or later i'll start posting, too
... I'm going to get a Canon EOS 400D soon, and I already think about starting to shoot my own porn