Added: May 20, 2006 11:12 am
Caption is a stupid game my brothers and sisters play. We email the strangest pictures back and forth, each person adding what they think the caption should be. I know it sounds a bit lame but we have some real creative and funny peolple here. Thought it might give us something to do on pRon breaks.

So let us see how damn funny you are.


How to answer

#1 This tastes like shoit
#2 The dogs of war
#3 The money tree experiment took an unexcpected turn.
#4 If it smells like fish, I guess it is.
#5 Redeffining a blind date, she has a great personallity
Respected Poster
Added: May 20, 2006 4:26 pm
#1 I put strawberries in a bowl before eating them.

#2 The oobooloo tribe hunting for the ingredients for their favourite meal - pan fried termites.

#3 Who said it was our evolutionary advancement to build nests in trees?

#4 Women - hook 'em up and reel 'em in.

#5 I enjoyed my session with Max Hardcore!

I like the new game khound. Hopefully it does well.
Respected Poster
Added: May 20, 2006 4:59 pm
fantailedalbi wrote:

#5 I enjoyed my session with Max Hardcore!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Respected Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 3:32 am
#1 Ah.... to be a k i d again, when everything tastes better once you dip it in the toilet.

#2 I'll show you how much that dog in the window is.

#3 Okay guys... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say we took a wrong turn somewhere.

#4 Geez... I'd love to see the one that got away...

#5 Well now this is just wrong... It said on the bottle take two drops four times a day.

These are fun khound, any more.
Good Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 5:01 am
Upon reflection, little Timmy's mother regretted that choice of hiding places for her coke stash.

In the darkest days of World War II, British scientists and dog breeders sent a squad of Winston-Churchill-clone/pug hybrids into Nazi Germany. After the treason of Sgt. Puddles left her team dead, Lady Felicity Crinklenose was a bitch alone on a desperate mission: ASSASSINATE ADOLPH HITLER!!!

...and the aged matron, who doubted His Word, asked Him to prove his Godly patronage with a miracle, so that all doubt would flee the hearts of the gathered.

"Turn your backs to Me, O brethren," He implored, and the assembled faced away from Him. Not one among them stirred; even as the mysterious bleating of goats, the creaks of strained rigging, and the blasphemes of teamsters sounded a cacophony behind then.

After half the day's passing, He cried out, "Harken to Me!, O ye of little faith, and witness My Father's Glory!"

And yea, they were mildly impressed.

Sept 14, 1954: A weekend tryst between young Carny girl and a very hairy engineering student leads to the invention of Velcro.

#5. I can't match fantailedalbi or photo1!
Very Respected Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 5:28 am
#1 Baby Drinker
#2 whats this?
#3 bear mating season
#4 how to get good grades
Added: May 21, 2006 11:28 am

fantailedalbi wrote:

#5 I enjoyed my session with Max Hardcore!

I like the new game khound. Hopefully it does well.
You are twisted Wink

Cruzing's set.

1. Little sig realizing how ugly his mother is decides he needs to knock back a few befors attempting to breast feed. He was herd gooing"A 2 at 10pm is a 10 at 2am."

2.Geeez, step daddy his is bigger than yours.

3.screenshot Upon reading the sign Yorgi and Helga decide to spice up there marriage.

4.Stina wishes she was a 12 yaer old alter boy, knowing damn well that being a hot chick in a catholic school takes away any chance of sleeping with the teacher for a better grade.
Respected Poster
Added: May 21, 2006 7:05 pm
I may be twisted but then I haven't experienced Max H.

Ok, new pics...

1 This beer festival is great. I better finish this one and get onto the next one. Barker's Muffdiver I fancy!

2 Is this what Shakespeare meant by 'a pound of flesh'?

3 Apologies, it should read 'June and Julie will be mating with bears this season'

4 God, you've got real hairy ears


Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 2:48 am
More fun... okay then.

#1 Okay that's the chaser, but where's the shot. Mom you forgot the shot...

#2 Everyone at school, always knew Joe was a handfull. But l i t t l e Mary had to go and prove everyone wrong...

#3 Hey Boo Boo, keep an eye out for the Forest Ranger while I grab this little Picanic basket...

#4 Well Mr. P... I can see your "nuts" from here.

Respected Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 3:05 am
Try these...

#1 Oh yea... now thats the spot.

#2 This is the best hidin place ever.

#3 Sir here's your shorts... Ironed just the way you like em.

#4 Poor kitty, spent the night parting at Elmos...

Added: May 22, 2006 6:43 pm
1. Hot dog, has an entirely new meaning.

2.After the unforseen turn in the great money tree experiment(see top of page) Scientists try a different gene sequence.Head resercher was herd saying"shoit first goats, now trucks what could be next."

3.Scotland prepares for another ass foiking at the hands of merry old England

4.Carl now realizes that he needs to be a bit more speciffic when talking with his little brother about getting a girl drunk to get a little pussy.
Respected Poster
Added: May 23, 2006 1:42 am
khound wrote:
1. Hot dog, has an entirely new meaning.

2.After the unforseen turn in the great money tree experiment(see top of page) Scientists try a different gene sequence.Head resercher was herd saying"shoit first goats, now trucks what could be next."

3.Scotland prepares for another ass foiking at the hands of merry old England

4.Carl now realizes that he needs to be a bit more speciffic when talking with his little brother about getting a girl drunk to get a little pussy.

Good ones khound. I like this game... Very Happy

Added: May 23, 2006 11:04 am
Anyone can join in, the game is for everybody. Just put the poster of the sets name on top so we know which pic. set






1.The ch_ldren of Chernobyl are doing well.

2.Trying to combat world hunger, the world bank release it's new program.

3.The world's ugliest foiking baby was born to Putet in Delhi. He told reporters that his wife though ugly as sin, has a wonderful sense of humor.

4.Coming soon to a Gnome thread near you. May we introduce you to the star of the upcoming video Barnyard Beauties.

5.I like them skinny, but damn eat a sandwich would you.
Respected Poster
Added: May 25, 2006 12:05 am
Khounds last set...

1. Haircut $3, trurtleneck $22, school photo priceless.

2. Now that's just cracked.

3. Proud Pappa and son.

4. More family reunion pics

5. Don't blame me, said she could take the whole 20".
Added: May 25, 2006 12:34 pm
I havent't had enough coffee yet ti think.
see what i mean, but I can think of one.

#5 When all the girls got together for a game of hide the dick, no one wanted HER on their team.