Good Poster
Added: May 11, 2006 9:34 pm
A shameless rip-off I admit, and I´m sorry for that if you not like Sir_Darkstar. I´ll accept any verbal abuse. But I´m bored and I wanted to make a little quiz for you all.

Who´s who and who said what in which movies? The first ones should be piece of cake, then hopefully it gets worse....

1. Who had a 106 miles to Chicago, a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarettes, while wearing sunglasses in the dark?

2. Who loved the smell of napalm in the morning?

3. Who did never get attached to anything he wasn´t willing to leave in 30 seconds flat if he spotted the heat around the corner?

4. Who had memorized Ezekiel 5.17?

5. Who said “I never had much parental guidance...” while wearing his snake skin jacket?

6. Who told Roy that “the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long”?

7. Who believed that “boxing is about respect, gaining it for youself and taking it from the other guy”?

8. Who brought his bitch to the Waffle Hut?

9. Who, after telling him that “according to some religions the egg is a symbol of the soul” asked Mr Angel if he would like an egg?

10. Who asked if he should just carve it up like regular chicken? (You get the last one and I´m impressed...)

Bonus question: Never mind the tittle, just after the actor who said: "Big lollypop. Biiiiig lollypop". Wink
Respected Poster
Added: May 11, 2006 10:34 pm
I don't remember the character names but number 2 is Robert Duvall from Apocalypse Now and Number 4 sounds like Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction.
Respected Poster
Added: May 11, 2006 10:58 pm
1) Jake and Elwood Blues in "The Blues Brothers"Very Happy
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 12, 2006 12:40 am
6 is the cyborg creator to Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner. 9 is Robert Deniro as Lucifer to Mickey Rourke in Angel Heart.
Good Poster
Added: May 13, 2006 6:35 pm
1. Yup Mole, Jake and Elwood Blues.

2. Correctemundo Dionysus, Robert Duval as Lt-Colonel Kilgore in Apocalypse Now.

3. DeNiro in Heat.

4. Jules Winnfield from Inglewood, Pulp Fiction, correct again Dionysus.

5. Nicolas Cage as Sailor in excellent David Lynch movie, Wild at Heart.

6. Dr. Eldon Tyrell (Joe Turkel) in Blade Runner, dhondhonus got it (best Sci-Fi film ever)

7. Morgan Freeman in The Million Dollar Baby.

8. Mr. Garth Pancake played by J.K.Simmons brought his bitch (The Swiss-Miss) to the Waffle Hut in The Ladykillers.

9. Louis Cyphre aka Lucifer played by Robert DeNiro in Angel heart, good one dhondhonus (a great movie and a great porking scene with comeback-kid Mickey Rourke and Lisa Bonet).

10. Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) in a really weird Lynch movie, Eraserhead.

Hmm.. I think this thread was either a bad idea, too hard or else I´m getting the silent treatment here.

The bonus question was good old John Holmes bless his soul.
Good Poster
Added: May 13, 2006 8:12 pm
Jappen... sorry I missed the first round, but I'll be around for the second one.
I always feel like a 'tard in SD's quiz Crying or Very sad

Maybe it would help if you changed the thread title to something a little less esoteric...?
Good Poster
Added: May 13, 2006 10:00 pm
bobrysl wrote:
Jappen... sorry I missed the first round, but I'll be around for the second one.
I always feel like a 'tard in SD's quiz Crying or Very sad

Maybe it would help if you changed the thread title to something a little less esoteric...?

Good sugestion Bob Wink I´ll make another one soon. Anyone else wanna, feel free. Quiz´s are good fun. Already used up most of my favourite movies though. Except the porn movies but I have trouble remembering the dialogues from the latter...
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 14, 2006 7:28 am
"Soon, all of my memories will be like tears in rain."

" You gotta earn this."
Good Poster
Added: May 14, 2006 8:21 am
Bob's Movie Quiz...

1. Where's a priest? Somebody fetch me a priest! YOU! Fetch me a bishop!

2. You may smoke, sir. I can still enjoy the smell of it. Hmm, nice state of affairs when a man has to indulge his vices by proxy. You're looking, sir, at a very dull survival of a very gaudy life, crippled, paralyzed in both legs, barely I eat and my sleep is so near waking it's hardly worth a name. I seem to exist largely on heat like a new born spider.

3. Sorry miss, I was giving myself an oil-job.

4. [An] Injun will chase a thing till he thinks he's chased it enough - then he quits. Same way when he runs. Seems like he never learns there's such a thing as a critter that'll just keep comin' on. So we'll find 'em in the end, I promise you. We'll find 'em. Just as sure as the turnin' of the earth.

5. By the way, you fuck like a world champion. Four fucking hours! I got hungry just watching you.

6. Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.

7. We've spawned a new race here, Mr. Dickenson. Rougher, simpler, more enterprising, more violent, less refined. We're a new nationality; we deserve a new nation.

8. I have learned from experience that a modicum of snuff can be most efficacious.

9. Okay, James, I wish you hadn't shot my girlfriend's dog. Even though Poe and I were not exactly what you'd call simpatico, that's no reason he should've taken two in the chest.

10. KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!
Respected Poster
Added: May 14, 2006 8:36 am
Awww, shucks, one for me Wink

10) William Shatner as Captain/Admiral James Tiberius Kirk in Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan...

Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: May 14, 2006 8:40 am
jappen wrote:
Except the porn movies but I have trouble remembering the dialogues from the latter...

There's dialogue!???screenshot
Good Poster
Added: May 14, 2006 8:01 pm
Damn Bob, these are tough ones! Only one I might have is number 5, but thats really a wild guess..

Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights?
Retired Legend
Added: May 14, 2006 8:31 pm
Uhh I hate to even try at one of these, i leave them to you experts, but I well I think#8 is Jhonny Depp in Dracula ??
Senior VIP club member
Added: May 14, 2006 11:36 pm
2) the big fat guy in "the big sleep" talking to humphrey bogart. give me time I'll remember his name, though I am having trouble NOT picturing Lauren Becal. Damn
Good Poster
Added: May 15, 2006 4:18 am
If these were too tough, maybe I'm just too geeky. All were picked from a list of my desert-island favorites, but all were widely released, and most are very well-remembered films (except maybe #7 & #8). Let's give this another day or so, and then I'll give answers. So far:

Mole - DING DING Way to go! And on the tough one!

Jappen, MM - BZZZZZZT Sorry guys.

Sir D - DING The Judges completely understand that Lauren Bacall visions may interfere with recollections of this film, and give you credit. We'll wait for you to get the name of the character, but sternly remind you not to be thinking of Sidney Greenstreet from the Maltese Falcon - this character isn't generally considered fat.


The Judges would like to warn all players that memories of Katherine Hepburn, Anne Francis, Natalie Wood, Michelle Phiffer, Sondra Locke, Blythe Danner, Uma Thurman, and Katie Holmes may interfere with the remaining unanswered questions