Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Apr 30, 2006 9:08 pm
jappen wrote:
Hmmm... Think I´ll put my money on whatever´s published by the WHO....

I'm more inclined to believe the WHO figures myself...should have thought of that before using a search-engine.screenshot
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 9:17 pm
angelus71 wrote:
jappen wrote:
Hmmm... Think I´ll put my money on whatever´s published by the WHO....

I'm more inclined to believe the WHO figures myself...should have thought of that before using a search-engine.screenshot

Out of curiousity, what was your source Angelus? CIA-WorldFactBook?
Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Apr 30, 2006 9:21 pm
I had to look it up again on the search-engine...

bobrysl wrote:
Out of curiousity, what was your source Angelus? CIA-WorldFactBook?

Funnily enough...

Welcome to, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 9:34 pm
angelus71 wrote:
I had to look it up again on the search-engine...

bobrysl wrote:
Out of curiousity, what was your source Angelus? CIA-WorldFactBook?

Funnily enough...

Welcome to, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.

Laughing Thanks for finding the link for me, I'll check it out.
Added: May 21, 2006 10:48 pm
oobooloo wrote:
Hey, I know most of you guys are from one or the other...
... and having never been out of Australia, can please prove or disprove this...?
Very Happy Cool

although i'm not a friend of clichès i must confess i've seen that second ass only in USA and AUS...

cane me if ya wanna.

Added: May 22, 2006 8:00 am

Having never been to Europe excepting a 2hour stopover In London, where all I saw was an airport transit lounge, I can honestly say that during my visits to the good ol' US of A that the women there are quite okay, well the ones that I met were at least.....(nod nod wink wink!) I think it had something to do with my Aussie accent, or at least my talents of exploiting something us Aussies are well recognised worldwide for, the art of Bullshitting! Can also say that some of the female species in New Zealand ain't too bad either!

Cheers.... Cool
Good Poster
Added: May 22, 2006 6:44 pm
I've only travelled around Europe and can honestly say every country is different % wise. In Sweden I hardly ever saw an overweight female. UK, Germany and France have a lot of big girls. Like people have previously said in this thread, USA start something, the rest of the world eventually follow starting with the powerful countries ie.. UK,France, Germany, leading to the smaller countries. With todays 100 mph lifestyle fast food is an easy option. Americans are the most overweight population.I don't think anyone will argue. In saying that, if trends change and the stick image popularity comes to the fore America will be the leader and the rest will follow.
Good Poster
Added: May 24, 2006 1:06 pm
I´m very much interested in this topic so pardon me for allowing myself to be repetitive to the boring in this thread... I want to sum it up;

Approximately 2/3rds of the american adult population are considered owerweight. Approximately 30% are considered obese. And chi.l.d.hood obesety is increasing rapidly (which is the most scary part). Yes the americans have a major problem, the prognosis for the next 30 years show dramatic increase in obesetylevels in the US population. And, repeating myself in this thread (so sorry Rolling Eyes ), it´s more or less the same picture in the whole of the industrialized world. That doesn´t mean only EU compared to the US, both some european and asian countries have alike or above levels of obesety v.s. the US. Not because the tendency is stagnant in the US, it´s increasing fast everywhere. It´s a pandemic (global), not an epidemic (local). There are in fact more obese than undernourished people in the world. The notion that europeans are more healthy and lean than americans is bordering on being a myth.

So Bob and RM, your statistics is both right and wrong. The discussion is not on subpopulations, its concerning the population as a whole. Yes, you will find significant differencies according to genetic/racial heritage, but the overall tendency remains and is found in all subpopulations.

Why are we getting obese?
Our genes favoures storage of fat and had a survival value in more primitive societies. Genetic changes take eons so that factor will remain for numerous of future generations, the body wants fatty acids. The problem is the availability and quality of food in our societies. We can eat whenever, we dont have to go hunting. And the quality of the food is shite. We eat processed and energy-dense food that fucks it all up. A meal at Burgerking or McD equals (in the energy intake/output balance) 4-6 hours of fast walking. Thats the another important factor; we dont spend enough energy. Decreased physical activity is prevalent.

Whats the significance to us - we - in this privileged and exquisite little corner of the web? More fat pornstars!! I had a friend (really) who once was in possesion of a HVS tape entitled "Too Fat To Fuck". Scary shit. We must gather our resources and make sure that lean nice teens prevails in all AVI, WMV, MPG etc formats and keep posting the vids here. We actually have an important mission!!
Respected Poster
Added: May 24, 2006 1:23 pm
jappen wrote:

Why are we getting obese?
When jerking off to porn from the internet you burn far less calories then when having regular sex (even in the Al Bundy-way: "28.., 29..., 30 secs, I'm out of here!"), and the internet is an American invention.


Rethinking it, it's a lousy explanation, but hey, it blames the US and that happens to be my favorite pass-time.
The weather here is terrible: damn yankees! Laughing
Respected Poster
Added: May 24, 2006 6:47 pm
Guys, i am inviting u to visit czech and slovak republic. I visited many countries and now i know our beauties are perfect. Many visitors are shocked of our charming girls from first sights on airport by leaving plane yet Wink.
In USA i don't seen wonderful girl. Mostly are fat. When are there some beauties, they r actors or models....It´s not only my opinion, many , many friends said me the same: Golden Europe.....Wink
Lets go here to my country for evidence.....
Respected Poster
Added: May 24, 2006 7:03 pm
kiwc wrote:
Guys, i am inviting u to visit czech and slovak republic. I visited many countries and now i know our beauties are perfect. Many visitors are shocked of our charming girls from first sights on airport by leaving plane yet Wink.
In USA i don't seen wonderful girl. Mostly are fat. When are there some beauties, they r actors or models....It´s not only my opinion, many , many friends said me the same: Golden Europe.....Wink
Lets go here to my country for evidence.....
Laughing Did you hear that jappen? You got to throw those boring fact books away and go to Chech Republic! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
And kiwc is right, I know, one of my ex-s named *****ova, so you know....
VIP club member
Added: Jun 08, 2006 6:49 am
kiwc wrote:
Guys, i am inviting u to visit czech and slovak republic. I visited many countries and now i know our beauties are perfect.

cool:D can I stay at your house for a while? got any Czech absinthe?

The USA does have the largest percentage of fat people in the world.
Good Poster
Added: Jun 08, 2006 11:09 am
werf wrote:
kiwc wrote:
Guys, i am inviting u to visit czech and slovak republic. I visited many countries and now i know our beauties are perfect. Many visitors are shocked of our charming girls from first sights on airport by leaving plane yet Wink.
In USA i don't seen wonderful girl. Mostly are fat. When are there some beauties, they r actors or models....It´s not only my opinion, many , many friends said me the same: Golden Europe.....Wink
Lets go here to my country for evidence.....
Laughing Did you hear that jappen? You got to throw those boring fact books away and go to Chech Republic! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
And kiwc is right, I know, one of my ex-s named *****ova, so you know....

Well..... Hmmm.... After a few years of travelling, in my personal opinion, the best looking women are found in the scandinavian countries and Holland actually. And there seems to be an abundance compared to other nations. Kiwc is right, very good looking women in the CR, but not as many. A summers day in either Stockholm, Oslo or Copenhagen... or on the coast by Scheveningen.... oh man....

But... I aint been to the Ukrain-e yet and I aint been to Venezuela...