I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 27, 2006 11:25 pm
Is anyome REALLY sure that the chick on the right is American anyway Question I used my super special playdough eyes, and the label on that thong says Made in Greenland Shocked

No offense to any Greenlanders out there Laughing Laughing Laughing
Retired Legend
Added: Apr 28, 2006 4:55 am
MrBill wrote:
Is anyome REALLY sure that the chick on the right is American anyway Question I used my super special playdough eyes, and the label on that thong says Made in Greenland Shocked

No offense to any Greenlanders out there Laughing Laughing Laughing

Good 1 Smile

mistermandingo wrote:
Nothing really to say--Just want to show off my new Big Ass Exclamation


It's big alright...
But, as a therapist I wonder: why do you want us to look at it?
First your nipple-piercings and now this... You got me worried, man!

Respected Poster
Added: Apr 29, 2006 11:41 am
To go back to ooboo (assuming it was a serious query); I've lived in the New World and the Old World, and I prefer the Old, even though Chuck Berry, Mark Twain and Theresa Russell are all Yanks. The key is that the Old World is just that, an older culture that just knows a bit more about sex and health and living in close proximity than the American acolytes of Mammon.
Must have been the Plague. Twisted Evil
Good Poster
Added: Apr 29, 2006 10:14 pm
I'll assume seriousness as well. I'm not going to disagree with the basic premise - as whole, there's probably a bigger chunk of chunky Americans than there are chunky Czechs. But that ratio is radically different in different subcultures. Poor Scots-Irish Southerners vs. Mahattanite Jewish American Princesses, for example. That's stating the obvious.

If you're comparing Porn models - yeah, pound for pound, the Eastern-European stars blow the American sluts out of the water. Based on a few Czech girls I've known, they're also more educated, poised and culturally refined - cultivated beauties. They have plenty of American equals, but a Yank version of Monica Sweetheart has far more opportunities beyond modeling, let alone making her living as an ass-whore.

This is just a theory based on what I know from a couple models, but I think (in the case of EastEuroBabes), their beauty is a survival skill. For a couple generations, upward mobility depended on the favor of the Soviets. A family that raised pretty girls posessed something of real value - to marry-off to the commissars .

So let's all give silent thanks to the unintended consequences of Ronnie breaking Soviet balls - Slav and Hun flowers selling their tushies in the dawn of capitalist opportunity. It's a magical time we live in... enjoy it while the window's open. Prosperity will weed out the cream of the porn crop shortly.

Rolling Eyes
Respected Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 12:01 am
Some interesting thoughts, bob.

I'm not the first to note this: there are some pretty broad thinkers here; then, again, I wear a bowtie. Confused
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:09 am
pictures can of course say a couple words....

maybe not a thousand....but one or two...

of course another type of continental "a la Francaise" diet has always been the tried and true "smoke your way thin"................

Respected Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:49 am
Well now this is quite the discussion. oobooloo, after many and I do mean many seconds of sizing up you're pic, I can honestly say, some people should not wear thongs. Rolling Eyes No, no, no, that wasn't the question, what was the question again... Oh well Laughing

I did however notice this though, if the Europeans like to drink and the Americans like to eat, I bet it would make for an interesting night out at the club. And even a more interesting morning. After all alcohol does impair you're judgement. Wink Laughing

I'm probably spamming
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:53 am
It has been proven, the US has the most amount of over weight people in the world.
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 11:00 am
vorhees wrote:
It has been proven, the US has the most amount of over weight people in the world.

Nononono.... There´s a sickening amount of flubber in the US for sure, but we gotta be honest here guys Wink

Finland an the Czech Republic are among countries that has surpassed the US of A in average body-mass-index, meaning more fatties. As stated in an earlier post, the yanks aint alone in this.... Obesety is all over Europe and Asia aswell. A "funny" observation is that asians are actually more prone to obesety-related diseases (like diabetes mellitus, etc) than caucasians etc at a lower BMI than caucasians. Meaning more health-risks at lower degree of fattiness...

There´s fact and there´s personal opinion...
Respected VIP club member
Added: Apr 30, 2006 5:38 pm
jappen wrote:
vorhees wrote:
It has been proven, the US has the most amount of over weight people in the world.

Nononono.... There´s a sickening amount of flubber in the US for sure, but we gotta be honest here guys Wink

Finland an the Czech Republic are among countries that has surpassed the US of A in average body-mass-index, meaning more fatties. As stated in an earlier post, the yanks aint alone in this.... Obesety is all over Europe and Asia aswell. A "funny" observation is that asians are actually more prone to obesety-related diseases (like diabetes mellitus, etc) than caucasians etc at a lower BMI than caucasians. Meaning more health-risks at lower degree of fattiness...

There´s fact and there´s personal opinion...

Hmmm, seems like this has turned into a serious discussion. Well, ifso-facto, we need to remember a point regarding genetics, as Jappen has obliquely alluded to above talking about obesity and whites vs Asians. Many if not most WHITE people in the US have descended from Farming families -- families of immigrants who came to NA and grabbed their own land and spent generations as farmers (although not so many now as before). And Farmers in the US are very healthy, with big giant hearts, big healthy not-so-lean bodies, they work all day from "can't-see to can't-see", and live to very old ages. And their chiildren ain't exactly svelte either. Some people simply don't have the genetics to be "skinny", but it doesn't mean they aren't healthy. But yeah, not "model" material. Cool

So uh, yeah -- more fatty white women in the US than almost anywhere else. Rolling Eyes

Acolytes of Mammon reference in a porn forum -- ay yi yi. Markino, either you're a geek like me who's read Paradise Lost a few times, or know more about the Bible than the average bear, or that bowtie gives you some sort of superpower. In any case, I wanna party with you dude. Very Happy

As far as porn stars and models etc, EXCELLENT point above by Bobrysl. Spot on.

As far as thongs go, EXCELLENT point above by Photo1. Wink Attached is further evidence of this ...

Respected Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 6:43 pm
by the Way....
many thx for my new Wallpaper , Ramblin! Very Happy
I looooooooove Tanga's !

Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Apr 30, 2006 7:21 pm
A little graph for you based on 2005 figures...
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:08 pm
angelus71 wrote:
A little graph for you based on 2005 figures...

Hmmm... Think I´ll put my money on whatever´s published by the WHO.... Take Turkey for instance, your factsheet quotes 12% for the Turks. WHO got them at 30% for female adults (less for males but average is over 20% no matter what). Both sheets can´t be right....

The good news is:
In a world of swine, all pigs are upward mobile.
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:46 pm
angelus71 wrote:
A little graph for you based on 2005 figures...

Like I said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if we're fatter on the whole, but there's a lot to quibble about with statistics like that.

The most heterogeneous country in the world is bound to have aberrant stats next to relatively homogeneous countries. A Mexican-American and Korean-American, both from families in the states for 50 years, will still have radically different lifestyles and diets (and one's going to have a lot of starch). Comparing college-educated Americans of Danish descent with college-educated Danes will yield more meaningful data.

BTW, I'm not picking on you Angelus, just ranting to myself. Those stats reminded me of the EU's gleeful "Americans are getting shorter!" study from a couple years ago - it refused to take Asian and Hispanic immigration into account. (Besides, we can't help it if Vietnamese girls are so hot.)
Good Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2006 8:48 pm