Like I have said and told him, I feel sorry for him. He has been so incessantly monotonous with his posts and comments, it got to me. Most people have tried to help him, and maybe it needs time to sink in. I really do not want him to go, but I also want him to improve. He is amusing in his own way WOW, WHY!!!!!!!! That had me giggling.
Now that you mention it, I could really see him as a Latka type, or even Reverend Jim, so completely out there us mere mortals just do not get it.
urbs is right on the money. I am strangely drawn to seek out his posts just to see what the hell will happen next.
I think he may be getting more fun than us with all the attention. He may turn out to be some mensa brain freak who came up with this scam to see how far he could take it, and is sitting in his high rise penthouse with his evil super genius computer, plotting his next move in taking over the forum and turning all of us into all caps, color happy, monosyllable, 1Mb clip posting fools!!!
I for one refuse to submit!!!
Go one qazwsx1, do your worst, we will turn the tables on you and turn you into a posting guru, watch!!!!!!
No more criticism from me, encouragement is what he needs, at least until I blow a gasket in frustration again. I have trained monkeys, and they learn faster than him.
I go to post now...