Although I'm not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, if I had a bumber sticker maker, this is what I would make to piss off the Obama supporters:
Say No To A 4th Bush Term!
Vote Hillary 2012!
I've said from the beginning that Obama looks good in a suit and gives a pretty speech - assuming his teleprompter doesn't fail - but the guy has zero experience running anything. His wife would do a better job.
Of the top 20 things that Bush did wrong and/or just plain pissed me off, Obama has done all of them. Some he reined in a bit and others he's gone far beyond even what Bush did, like Predator Drone strikes, attacking sovereign nations without Congressional approval, filling Basra AKA the new Gitmo, with unknown prisoners, maintaining an assassination list that includes at least one American, covering up and out right lying to protect BP over the Gulf oil spill, cutting off aid to pro-democracy groups in Egypt, using the NSA to spy on the American people via Perfect Citizen(google it if you don't what that is, then prepare to get sick), body scans, pat downs and even strip searches at airports and now even train stations, etc.
I honestly do not understand how anyone can call themselves a progressive/liberal and still support this guy!
What I really love is when people feign shock and outrage that Republicans want him to be a 1 term president! Of course they do! Name the last GOP President whom the Left wanted to win re-election!