puzoraven wrote:Thanks for the tip about RS uploader. Even with this tool, its taking about 50 mins to upload a 200 MB file. Is that abnormally long? I did a speed test on my connection and got this for uploading, Upload Speed: 3414 kbps (426.8 KB/sec transfer rate).
As you mentioned, it depends on your ISP, your bandwidth speed and if RS is busy at the moment.
If you have a premium account, you should be able to upload with almost your max. speed.
66.67 KB/s (4MB/min; your 200 MB file in 50 min) seems somewhat slow compared to your ISP speed rate.
If you're doing something else (P2P etc). then your upload/dl ration will drop.
You can adjust the settings of the RS manager to upload files during the night (or when you are at work/school/college) and to switch your PC off when finished.
Monkey D. Ruffy