Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 07, 2023 7:05 am
focus in 2 by Kimba 09 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Kimba's focus rests deep inside her own body, eschewing any consciousness of space and time. That kind of deep attention pays off, as she immerses herself in every single sensation conjured up by her own movements, simultaneously conscious and unconscious, left at the mercy of her patiently manifested arousal.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 4:08 pm
Jaynie's video diary 6 by Jaynie 08 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<273MB] 1280x720 7m 4s
I love the tools of Jaynie's technique. A brown towel, a crocheted blanket, a clutched handful of snowy white linen. I want to hear her talk about the different effects they have - her level of sensitivity must be such that they would each have their own noticeable texture against her delicate parts. I do so love to hear Jaynie speak. For now, though, I am content to watch and imagine, my mind wandering through the pathways Jaynie sets out for us.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 12:18 pm
precocious 3 by Leena 07 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<258MB] 1280x720 6m 40s
Leena's made quite a stir these last weeks on the IFM Forums, so many of you will be pleased - and more than pleased - to see that her studio shoot was so luscious it just demanded to be seen in three parts. So Leena lovers, eat your hearts out, and anyone who was on the fence, well, now there's three reasons for y'all to keep your eyes on this one.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 12:17 pm
multiverse 1 by Pearl_P 05 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 5m 52s
There's a really stunning divide between the two distinct energies in this video, which leaves me aroused and confused - much like when I've just watched a particularly affective piece of performance art. Pearl_P's erotic energy is just that intense, completely taking over my consciousness with her presence. She leaves me with few words, and much to think about.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 12:16 pm
abundance 1 by Angelika 04 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<163MB] 1280x720 4m 14s
It seems like Angelika has barely gotten started when she's caught up in the throes of her first orgasm, taken by surprise by the steep incline of the curve of her arousal. For Angelika, though, an orgasm functions as foreplay, as she continues climbing to higher and higher peaks - until, of course, she is waylaid by a common source of interruption.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 12:15 pm
drenched 2 by shanna 03 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<278MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
It's almost scary to get so close to Shanna, in the clarity of silence, so intimate it feels like I shouldn't be there. Anytime the camera takes me underwater I take a deep breath, almost as if I'm being submerged myself - but as soon as we come up for air, I'm instantly eager to plunge back down again, into that rosy space of hushed intrigue.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 06, 2023 12:14 pm
HD MP4 472MB 1920x1080 `12m`02s
Some people are into Saturday morning cartoons, some prefer the news, and others would rather sleep in late than watch anything at all. Me, I’m a run-right-to-the-internet-and-see-what-IFM’s-up-to kinda gal. And this particular Saturday morning, well, we’re up to some very, very good things...

screenshot screenshot
Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:24 pm
semblance 2 by Shibby 02 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
I think the world is just a much better place because of dildos. From ancient tools made of bone and wood, to Shibby's fancy electrical buzzing machine, dildos have been giving women quality solo sexy times since the Upper Palaeolithic. Shibby and her body react dramatically to the use of a penetrative toy, which draws an interesting comparison to Semblance 1.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 5:34 pm
Jaynie's video diary 5 by Jaynie 01 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<296MB] 1280x720 7m 40s
I get a little flutter in my heart when I press play on Jaynie's videos. She's set the precendence in her previous videos - I just can't resist an articulate woman. It would be enough for me just watching her speak, so being treated to so much more of Jaynie every time we indulge in her diary just blows me away. And you think I'd be used to it by now.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 1:58 pm
renovate 2 by Melanie_A 31 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 22s
Poor Melanie. A big list of tiresome chores, the balancing act of a budget renovation, and a whole house standing uninhabitable until that work gets done - what's a girl to do? Around here, there's really only one answer to that question. And a fine answer it is.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:59 am
relinquish 2 by Taliah_M 30 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<432MB] 1280x720 11m 10s
Oh, it's AnnabelleLee's turn to show Taliah what she's got, and as we well know, she's a girl with a full selection of skills in her repertoire. AnnabelleLee knows exactly what to do with her mouth and her hands to take Taliah to heights of intense pleasure... and it's clear from the beginning that both of them are compeltely committed to these moments, immersing themselves completely in eachothers' touch.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:59 am
suomi 2 by Evelina 29 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<291MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
There's more than one way to make your body languid and lazy, and part 1 had Evelina indulging in two of the best - a hot steam bath and a nice strong orgasm. It's common knowledge that relaxation just calls more relaxation, and orgasms call more orgasms, so it's no surprise to find her back in bed for the afternoon, making the best of a great day.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:58 am
focus in 1 by Kimba 28 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 22s
Kimba's general tone of hushed quiet sets the stage for us to pay extra attention to her variations as she progresses, encouraging a focus of observation which only serves to intensify the experience of the watcher. So jack up the volume, and hold your headphones tight to your ears - you don't want to miss any sharp intake of breath, or the susurrus of friction as Kimba moves skin and against skin.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:57 am
drenched 1 by shanna 27 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 4m 59s
When it comes to Shanna's videos, it's clear by now that we're not going to see anything ordinary. I'm always excited to see the different ways she will choose to stimulate herself - maybe for her, IFM is a chance to explore new and challenging ways of getting off. Or perhaps every time she masturbates, she tries something new? We're going to have to get together for a chat one of these days.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Mar 05, 2023 7:57 am
asteraceae 2 by Astrid_L 26 Jul 2013
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 23s
I'm a little bit obsessed with Astrid's hair. I think each strand must be sentient, and individual, co-operating together to flow and place and cascade just so. And then perhaps, communicating with the light, which is speaking to Astrid's skin too, and trading secrets with her lips. There must be an intelligence behind the effect she has on me, a grand conspiracy of raw beauty... how could this feeling be an accident?
