Razzler wrote:I do not have a problem with trying to achieve 300 posts that are topical or discussion based but it really is so difficuilt to find content to post that has not already been posted. I am also sure that they do not want repost afer repost of pics
I agree with you 100% It's not that it's a pita to post 300
comments, it's just trying find something legitimate to say.
Most of the girls posted, I don't even care for, therefore, I
don't post anything in those posts. There's really only 4 or 5
girls I'm really itnterested in, so that makes it more difficult
to get to 300. There are some forums that I have over
3000 posts in just one year. I come here, seldom post,
and seldom download. I have contributed pics and some
vids in some topics....oh well, I'll get there when I get there.