Door To Door / (Jim Enright, Executive Video) (K.C. Williams, Kristina King, Paula Price, Jon Dough, Randy West, Eric Price)
Date of release: 1990
'I'm Wanda. Door to door saleswoman for Door-To-Door, the mobile dildo company. I've got longs, portly longs, shorts, stubbys, squirmys, expando's, wiggly willy's and Nubby Norman, with the little bumps that tease you to orgasm. Come with me as I make my rounds - and my customers - on an average day in the suburban heat. And heat is right. Because when I ring the bell, it goes ding, dong, dong, dong...'
File Extension: mp4
Video Size: 1.19 GB
Duration: 01:17:38
Resolution: 640x480