Pic set of the previously released video "anal coll€ct1on 2" is out today over at F1tt1ng-R00m, with the alternative title "H0t @nal Que Pasi0n"
Now, I will point this out against my better judgement, but I can't help myself: here is a comparison between todays FR00m release, shot well over a year ago, with the recently shot "lust fu11 c0rset"
I know, it's bad manners to comment on a womans weight, and certainly I don't wish to begin any kind of speculations about the reasons why, but I think it's worth it to recognize just how fine she looks with a couple of extra kilograms. Not that she didn't look good when she was skinnier, but she's just stunning now:
is "bootylicious" a word people still use? No, I didn't think so...