Hi all
I thought I'd do something a little different and write up a review on a book I purchased recently. I'm sure you've heard of it, maybe some of you have it. I'm talking of course about Th0mas K@rstens "H€AT" - published ten years ago, it's very much the genesis to Lor's nude modeling career.
The publisher of the book thought it was significant that Lor' (or Bianca, as she's called in the book) was the initiator in the project, so much so that they printed Lor's email to Th0mas on the cover. I tend to agree - how many other nude models/porn actresses can say they took conscious steps to be in the "business"? Most would undoubtedly say one thing lead to another, as it is for most people in most walks of life.
There's a little interview of Lor and Th0mas printed in the book, which you can also find on Th0mas' website. In a brief introduction to Lor's life at time we learn that she's 22, comes from a Spanish/German family and is in love with man who disapproves her ambitions. She kind of struggles to explain her motivations for modeling, but is clearly strongly drawn to it:
I feel confidence, tension, delight, desire and freedom, to be the way you are, without having shame to share this with the world.
It was easy to pose like a model. It was less easy to be like Bianca, how I really wanted to be in those moments.
This I tought was a pretty interesting quote: this book is her very first foray into nudes, but as I understand she had been doing commercial modeling before this. Posing I'd imagine quickly becomes second nature, which means there was probably a great deal of unlearning to do. In this regard the book is succesful, at least in places, perhaps more so than anything she's done since.
I told him that I’m insecure moving freely in front of the camera. However this insecurity is an expression that is worth being shown.
I couldn't agree more with Lor' here. Vulnerability is a tragically under - or misused asset in erotica, but there are some gorgeous examples of it in the book.
So as to not give you the wrong idea, Lor' was not a prude even in her first outing: the material is explicit, some pictures even delicously pornographic
Superficially you could say it's similar to what you'd find at, say, met@rt, but this has a whole different quality to it.
The pictures vibrate of pleasure, produce heat, we don’t come across “cool” beauty in this book, but hot natural desire.
Sounds about right. Gracefully, there are no attempts in the work to strip Lor of her sensuality as you would find in some fine-art nudes.
There are a good number of pictures devoted to Lor' frolicing with women, for those who are into that sort of thing.
While reading I still prefer paper to digital, but, and I hate to say it, a physical book of limited dimension is beginning to feel obsolete as a medium for erotica. I'd welcome a digital re-release
Quote: I can imagine very well still being photographed by Thomas when I’m 50.
I could as well. I'd even go as far as I'd like to see that.
But seriously, it's a shame Lor' is no longer doing aspirational work like this. Could you imagine a more "adult" sequal for "HEAT", perhaps sharing the stage with a man, with all the tension that would bring? One can dream...
Overall, I can't believe I waited so long to get the book. Pricing is all over the place, I've seen as high as over a hundred dollars/euros. I paid about 25, well worth it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested.
The scans I made are not great, but I hope I didn't butcher the pictures too badly. I hope it's fair use as well, they're only a small sample of what's in the book
Thats it