Good Poster
Added: Dec 30, 2008 9:04 pm
I hope this is not too off topic of network security. My company has some of its IP addys Blacklisted because of Cutwail and Pushdo somehow ending up on someone's PC. I am currently going through 9 PCs to try and discover which one got us BL. When I contacted spamhaus, I was notified that at least one of our PCs sent out 60,000 spam mails on Saturday. Has anyone ever run into this ass ache before? I am really a hardware specialist and not software but our software tech is on vacation until the 8th of January. Ideas from anyone would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.
Very Respected Poster
Added: Dec 31, 2008 8:23 am
I am suprised that your AV let cutwail and pushdo through as they are two years and one year old respectively - this is something you need to raise with your software tech as a matter of urgancy when he returns.

For your more immediate problem, tho, I strongly sugest talking to your AV supplier about removal as if these get through so can everything else.

If this fails, google "cutwail" and "pushdo" seperately and they will list methods to get rid of them. then talk to your ISP about unblacklisting your IP's.

It's a bugger, I know - been through this crap before - but in truth good AV, strong company procedures and eternal vigilance are the only true preventatives!

Good luck!