angela, körper in ektase, italienische früchtchen
angela, körper in ektase, italienische früchtchen
scene 1. helen thomas, roy hohmann
scene 2. sandra nova, bernd kruger
scene 3. helen thomas, inge binder
scene 4. inge binder, bernd kruger
scene 5. helen thomas, renato della nave
scene 6. sandra nova, silvano biolzi
scene 7. inge binder, bernd kruger
a millionaires wife gets kidnapped while having sex with her secretary.
immediately a special unit of the italian police was put on the case.
after some erotic adventures, the horny investigators manage to free the busty millionaire and to arrest the gangsters.
year 1979
producer: charlie bundt
country: deutschland
studio: vz-handelsgesellschaft
file size: 939,4 MB
file name: angela, körper in ektase, italienische früchtchen
video extension: avi
video duration: 01:27:08
video resolution: 720x512