Drapper17 wrote:I don't no why but it seems that forumophilia thinks that they own partyhardcore.
For several years it was fun to come here.Not always registered.
Every week a new episode from partyhardcore to watch.
Talking with and say thanks to the uploaders.
Shared new partyhardcore and dso episodes myself.
But now phorumophilia makes it inpossible for new uploaders to share new partyhardcore content.
And now,when someone starting a new partyhardcore treat he must stop doing that.
Let me know what you thinking about this stupid policy people.
I know and aware that the links given must be protect but there are other way's to do that.
keeping links for a selected group is defently not the wright decision.
i am the starter of the new thread. I have PMed with svinto (the administrator of this board) after he closed that thread. The thread is closed because of using crypted linklist, not for posting partyhardcore stuff here. Svinto say, that crypt-it site is banned site (it is not allowed site). But DLC which i created are not created by crypt-it. So i think its time for update rules and explicitly say DLC and another crypted linklists are not allowed.
I can and i want to help non VIP users to get PH stuff, but now i dont know, how to protect links. So if someone can help, which link protect will 100% work and is not banned (like DLC).
I dont know if this policy is stupid. We can protest again it, we can disagree with it, but its all, what we can do.
But i think, that DLC are working great and that moderators and administrators will change their mind about this rules.