I'm probably spamming
Added: Nov 02, 2008 11:37 am

I am looking for any magazine layouts, photos, and/or films with the Danish porn actress Pia Sorensen, who I believe was in Danish XXX films during the 1970s. She also appeared in Penthouse, Oui and Lui. Her appearance in Oui was in Jan. 1976, and in Penthouse US it was in April 1975 (neither one centerfold). The Penthouse US spread makes no mention of her film career, while the Oui spread does, and in fact it mentions that Pia was named 'Queen of the first Danish erotic film festival', which I presume was held in summer 1975 (?). She also appeared in Penthouse UK vol. 9 no. 2 (1974) and Lui Oct 1974 in the centerfold of each.

If you know of any films or have details about this actress, please post on the board.


I'm probably spamming
Added: Dec 05, 2008 10:16 pm
Bxlcanuk wrote:

I am looking for any layouts, photos, and/or films with the Danish porn actress Pia Sorensen, who I believe was in Danish XXX films during the 1970s. She also appeared in Penthouse, Oui and Lui. Her appearance in Oui was in Jan. 1976, and in Penthouse US it was in April 1975 (neither one centerfold). The Penthouse US spread makes no mention of her film career, while the Oui spread does, and in fact it mentions that Pia was named 'Queen of the first Danish erotic film festival', which I presume was held in summer 1975 (?). She also appeared in Penthouse UK vol. 9 no. 2 (1974) and Lui Oct 1974 in the centerfold of each.

If you know of any films or have details about this actress, please post on the board.



here are a few fotos of Pia which might help one of you recall if she did any other foto shoots or films....
Respected VIP club member
Added: Dec 11, 2008 3:07 pm
Photos by Derek Burton, don't know which mgzine from the U.K., England.
Had she ever done some HC?
please help by visiting my request thread:
Arrow Who are these bunch of nice teens?
I'm probably spamming
Added: Dec 24, 2008 12:47 am
lavec wrote:
Photos by Derek Burton, don't know which mgzine from the U.K., England.
Had she ever done some HC?

The Derek Burton fotos were published is Penthouse UK (1974) and Penthouse US (1975).

I am not 100% sure if she did any HC however in her Oui fotospread it stated that she was a HC performer in the 1970s in Denmark. I have not yet found any proof that she did in fact do any HC. The magazines she appeared in are Penthouse UK, LUI, OUI, and Penthouse US.