I have discussed this with
ret.aleksander and he has convienently forgot to give all arguments why we like the large but limited sized previews.
ret.aleksander is a very egotistic person who doesn't care for his fellow surfers who are less fortuned with fast internet connection.
Displaying one (1) page could be a matter of minutes and not seconds.
He makes it impossible for moderators to perform their dutys in a nice and proper way.
When we like to display such a multipage topic in a singlepage mode with all posts in subsequent order, where it is possible to select just some but not all posts and split them into a new topic, the display takes so long that it times out and gives an error - session invalid.
That leaves us with no choise other than delete the posts, rather than just split and move them.
This I have explained to
ret.aleksander but he doesn't listen.
The poll has been canceled as unnecessery.
The rules and guidelines that where launched on May 18 2008 has been formed after a lot of consideration.
At one time we wanted to forbid hotlinking of preview images completly and only allow them to be presented in a codebox.
The same for download links. Codebox only.
Thus minimising the risc of having the forum exposed thrue the referrer tracking.
There are several hostssites that have blocked the hotlinking from here.
One is for example pixnofrag that I had as my regular pichost.
They have disabled us, so therefore we have put them - off - the permitted list.
Putting previews and download links in a codebox would have made a very dull looking forum.
You have all had 5 months to adapt and follow those rules and guidelines.
Now the time have come to make sure they are implemented.