Hey guys - thank you ! - this is amazing : nearly everything wrapped up in less than 12 hours !!!
ergo14 wrote:
Much appreciated !
andylo wrote:
or MARINA, THE REDHEAD (better said)
I must admit I had seen her described as 'REDHEAD', and was in doubt ... but do we really care ? - She is gorgeous in any case, and has always that 'not so innocent' look, whatever the color of her hair ! - The real
bad news is that they are there, and we are here ... !!
Quote: THE BRUNETTE set#1
Quote: TOGETHER set#1
Again, Much appreciated !
ergo14 wrote:Nice posting here and if it helps to bring back the excellent Shadowman I'd be even more pleased.
If he sees this, I think he can be very proud of us
- and this can soon be considered 'JOB DONE' (at least until they come up with something else), and move on to the next one, that I am pretty sure should gain even more interest ... a sneak preview ? (but beware, she can seriously damage your computer ...
!) :