Respected Poster
Added: Sep 20, 2008 4:35 am
Alert! Jenny Star is missing. Uh, can someone explain what's going on. When I first arrived at this place in March, 2007 (actually, shortly, thereafter in April, 2007) I posted a number of RS links to Jenny Star sets from her old Jenny Star site (they weren't available on Real8teens). The thread was called (I didn't start it) something like "Abby Updates." My sets came in somewhere around page 5 (maybe).

Anyway, through July, people were downloading those sets everyday. Then I noticed that only certain of the sets were being downloaded into September. So, I did a check under my name (checking my posts), Jenny Star and Abby and can't find the thread. The strange thing is that my RS account shows downloads on 2 of the sets as recently as today. If the threads been deleted, how are people still downloading the stuff? The only explanation I can think of is that someone copied my links in another forum.

So where did this thread go? MODS any info, please?
Retired Legend
Added: Sep 20, 2008 1:48 pm
Hello, mrbluesman. I will ask the staff and I will reply back later.