It's time to have a little chat, pet. I just had a lovely little chat with your wife. She told me you have a thing for my mesmerizing mindfuck clips. Is that true? I thought so. We thought we could use this proclivity of yours to both of our advantages. See, you'll go down for me like you like to do. You're going down into that mindless place where I can mold your brain precisely as I like.
While you're there, I will train your cock to rise whenever your wife wants to use it. Your cock is no longer yours. You don't use it or play with it at your discretion. You only get to use your cock if I or your wife demand it. Not only will you get rock hard any time she or I demand it, but you won't get to cum unless I say so or she has received multiple orgasms. We will use you like the toy you are for our pleasure. You don't get to hesitate. You don't get to say no.
You only get to please superior women like us.
Complete name : Goddess Alexandra Snow - Serving Me and Your Wife.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Resolution: 1920x1080
File size : 643 MiB
Duration : 10 min 50 s