Title: Mistress Anna Elite 48 Ferocious Strokes 7/30/21.mp4 - 828 MiB
Time: 10mn 51s
Res.: 1920 x 1080 - 60.002 fps
'There is only one way to deal with such naughty boys'
I come home to find my step-son rooting through the sideboard. It is clear what he is looking for, and this isn't the first time he has been caught today. Earlier, I caught him stealing from my purse; he claimed to need the cash for a night out. I had hoped my merciless thrashing would be enough to teach him the lesson needed, apparently not. Upon questioning, he can’t explain himself. My patience is wearing extremely thin and I am beyond tired of his poor behaviour in our home. After some interrogation he finally admits he was yet again searching for money to steal because his pocket money is not enough. We will see about that. 6/22/21
Title: Mistress Anna Elite A Corrective Caning.mp4 - 760 MiB
Time: 10mn 25s
Res.: 1920 x 1080 - 30.000 fps