Title: Nina - Training The Toilet-Paper Slave.mp4 - 95.9 MiB
Time: 13mn 26s
Res.: 1440 x 1080 - 25.000 fps
So I go in to see Goddess Nina because we are supposed to be filming together today. But I find out she is SICK! (This is totally real btw- Nina really was sick this day! So we decided to make a clip out of it. lol) Anyways, you can hear me talking to her from behind the camera and I explain to her that one of the BEST ways to get rid of a cold is to GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE! And who could you POSSIBLY do something like that to and not even feel bad about it? A SLAVE!
So I call in a slave and Nina like totally does everything she can to give it her "Goddess germs". (The slave should be fucking GRATEFUL, we figure!) She sneezes on it, coughs right in its face, picks her nose and wipes her boogers on its tongue, SPITS big loogies right into its mouth, and even cleans out the snot from inside her nostrils and tosses the used pieces of tissue into the slave's open mouth like it is her personal trashcan! The slave is ordered to swallow them of course.
Title: Nina - Goddess Germs.mp4 - 546 MiB
Time: 9mn 19s
Res.: 1280 x 720 - 29.970 fps