Title: QUEEN KASEY - Eat from my feet slave.mp4 - 590 MiB
Time: 5mn 51s
Res.: 1920 x 1080 - 30.000 fps
A loyal fan of mine contacted me during my travels and after following my instructions and sending in a deposit I gave him the chance to serve me in real life. See losers you really can serve the Queen for real if you can follow some simple instructions. This was going to be a foot worship session for the lucky slave, but it turned into a trampling session because the idiot slave thought it would be ok to try and grab my ass! How dare a slave think he can touch anything but my feet! Get this straight losers you will never ever get to touch anything other than my feet! He is so lucky this was his first time serving had this been one of my regular slaves his balls would be in a jar on my nightstand right now.
Title: QUEEN KASEY - How dare you.mp4 - 539 MiB
Time: 5mn 20s
Res.: 1920 x 1080 - 30.000 fps