Title: Beti Phellasio (Beti's Bangin Boobs / 04-04-2013) [XLGirls / ScoreHD]
Main Screens:
Tags: Big Tits, Plumper, BBW, Fat, Fetish, Hardcore, All Sex
Meet the latest super-sensation at XLGirls: Beti Phellasio! Remember the name because you will be seeing more of this brte beauty in time toe. Prepare to be knocked down because this English cutie is packing the goods you want to carry. Beti is checking out some pictures on her tablet as this scene opens. "Big sexy boobs," Beti says. Why do that when all she has to do is look in the mirror at her own big, sexy boobs? Beti puts her tablet away so the fun can really start. She likes to tease but that's cool because she also likes to please. She'll be delivering the action but first she wants to show you what she's made of. A full body show is act one. This girl is too much. She undresses bit by bit to expose her sexiness and 38G whoppers. T...
Media Info>>>>>>>> Size: 399 MiB
| Duration: 25 min 49 s
| Resolution: 1280x720
| Format: .wmv
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