Respected Poster
Added: Jul 05, 2008 12:24 am
Hi guys, I have become a huge admirer of Christina and would love to know exactly how old she is. Did she turn 18 and start doing topless or did she turn 21 before she started doing it. I have seen references on here to her "problems" and possibly a divorce. Does anybody know anything about her?
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 05, 2008 10:23 am
She was being touted as 16 when she started back in 2001/2 so would be in her mid-twenties now. There's photos doing the rounds of her getting married, so there may be a divorce.

I haven't followed her career that closely since about 2002 or so, so I cna't say for sure when she started doing nudes, but relatively recently, I believe. She made a lot of money from staying nn with the odd slip/sheer set.
Respected Poster
Added: Jul 16, 2008 12:57 am
I know she's from Florida and has to be at least 106 years old - most likely born at 03:37 01 April 1902. I don't have the seconds as those were difficult to pin down...
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jul 16, 2008 7:09 pm
I think she was born in May '84 or '85. Her early, tentative see-throughs came some time after she turned 18; the outright toplessness is a more recent development. I'm pretty sure her WM has confirmed that she got divorced (her "problems" would seem to pale compared to Shannon, who's been rumored to have tax problems and/or eviction notices, and/or a drug habit. Oy.).

Anyway, at this rate we might finally see CM's hot pocket before she's thirty.