markus1 wrote:No offence meant towards our american friends here, but...
George W. Bush’s mother was still using flashcards when he was in the eighth grade - about 13 years old.
After leaving school, Bush applied to the University Of Texas law school. He failed The entrance exam.
However, when he left higher education, he started his own Texan oil company. Which he managed to bankrupt.
So he started another. That went bankrupt too. And a third one.
In his all-boys prep school, Bush wasn’t on the football team. He was a cheerleader.
In the air force, Bush served as part of the “Champagne Unit” in the Texas International Guard. His duty was to help defend Amarillo and Abilene in Texas from the Vietcong.
Bush once bought a baseball team. He promptly traded star player Sammy Sosa, the baseball equivalent of giving away David Beckham.