I'm probably spamming
Added: Sep 22, 2005 3:36 pm
...and they don't talk about ****porn in this case.
The government of Bush asked the federals to 'fight' the porn.
Probable it will become more difficult in the future to watch porn if you live in the USA...
More about it in the 'Washington Post'.
Good Poster
Added: Sep 22, 2005 9:37 pm
Rolling Eyes Don't we have better things to spend our money on, like, oh, I don't know, levees in New Orleans? Rebuilding freakin' Iraq? After we've got a secure country with a surplus, then maybe we can go after urination and ****...
Very Respected Poster
Added: Sep 22, 2005 10:39 pm
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

I truly can't belive this! But then again, USA are the capital of "double moral standards". If it was illegal porn, sure I would understand it, but ADULTS fucking ADULTS ment for an ADULT audience....Come on....!!!

The Bush Admin. has really gone overboards here!
Good Poster
Added: Sep 22, 2005 11:23 pm
I agree on the point that the money should be spent else where like rebuilding the gulf, Iraq and afgan, and on fixing the natural disastar response.
Retired Legend
Added: Sep 23, 2005 7:59 pm
No offence meant towards our american friends here, but doesn't your president have anyone else better to push around and beat up on? Well (and this is not to make light of current weather worries) atleast he'll be kept busy making sure Texas is well looked after the storm passes through....wonder if he'll remember Louisiana still needs help?
Godfather of Forumophilia
Added: Sep 23, 2005 8:13 pm
markus1 wrote:
No offence meant towards our american friends here, but...

Exclamation George W. Bush’s mother was still using flashcards when he was in the eighth grade - about 13 years old.

Exclamation After leaving school, Bush applied to the University Of Texas law school. He failed The entrance exam.

Exclamation However, when he left higher education, he started his own Texan oil company. Which he managed to bankrupt.

Exclamation So he started another. That went bankrupt too. And a third one.

Exclamation In his all-boys prep school, Bush wasn’t on the football team. He was a cheerleader.

Exclamation In the air force, Bush served as part of the “Champagne Unit” in the Texas International Guard. His duty was to help defend Amarillo and Abilene in Texas from the Vietcong.

Exclamation Bush once bought a baseball team. He promptly traded star player Sammy Sosa, the baseball equivalent of giving away David Beckham.

Super Pornicator
Good Poster
Added: Sep 23, 2005 10:07 pm

He's a beacon of hope to mentally retarded, sexually repressed biggots the world over. Wink

and an obligatory pic.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Oct 03, 2005 5:16 am
Bush is a frigging moron and if he fell of the face of the earth tomorrow, we would all be better off (and yes I am an American). He is so stupid he could fuck up a wet dream! Don't get me started, and please for those of you who are from all over the world don't judge us as Americans by the Jackasses you see in the news, that happen to be American...and if we could export them most of us would! OK rant over. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
Added: Oct 03, 2005 7:46 am
I agree with everyone here, something is gone very wrong with the Administration. But, that will always be like that in America...As someone said, our home country has a "double moral standard," and lately it's really been starting to piss me off. They really do need to focus their attention on other things. I am starting to be ashamed to live in this country...What ever happen to our Bill of Rights? It's like our government went and took a shit, then used it to wipe. We're all of a sudden censoring EVERYTHING! Anyone got a country that I can move to that DOESN'T do this kind of shit?

P.S.: I am by no way ashamed of being an American (as I will soon be serving in our Armed Forces, also)...I just can't stand how our government is all of a sudden becoming a freaking dictatorship...And as the man above me said, do not think all of us Americans are like these idiots.
Added: Oct 04, 2005 11:42 pm
don't take too much stock in the claims. he's just pandering to the religious right for their votes when he's REALLY friendly with big business. has he really accomplished any of the "morality" goals that he pandered to them before yet such as make abortions illegal? no.

has he raided everyone's social security and given it to the 2% richest people that don't need it? yep... 1st thing he did.

is he TRYING to give those same buddies a SECOND crack at your social security in the stock market? yep

has he fought against environmental acts so his cronies can make more money? yep

has he tried to keep the words "global warming" from being heard by the general public? yep
(note... WHENEVER you DO hear a republican talking about the issue, they use the friendlier sounding "global climate change" instead as their ad agencies found that it's more effective for lowering public interest. gee... he's an oil guy... SUVs cause global warming... i don't see a connection do you?)

has he done everything he can to erode citizens rights to sue his rich buddies? yep

has he done everything he can to make sure you can't get cheaper medications from canada? uh huh

what's my point? fox network (very big into the republican party's pockets and interests) also has dealings that involve pornos. i've forgotten the exact link, but saw a quick blurb on a PBS news program. many OTHER big bribers (oops... i mean lobbyist groups) such as hotel chains also rely on porn for their cable feeds to make customers happy.

there's too much MONEY in porn for him to get serious about eradicating it... not legit porn anyways. i wouldn't be surprised if the porn industry had it's own professional bribe disbursement (oops i mean lobbyist) teams visiting the coffers daily.

if he DOES go after any porn, you can bet that it's porn that threatens the PROFIT MARGINS of his elite buddies, or as HE calls them, "his base".
Very Respected Poster
Added: Oct 06, 2005 11:01 am
Very Happy

I voted Bush, Shit===both Parties. Hey someone has to be the Fuck up, next time it will be someone else. pass it around ya know, that way nothing sticks, keep getting a pass on"we will fix it this time" and never does!

Anyway, my source's say the head chopping boys are using porn sites, boards, chat to communicate. may be just a push ta tighten up!

they can never stop this industry, too big!

I'm probably spamming
Added: Oct 09, 2005 12:36 am
the christian taliban post shit like this on other websites

this website has a link to the most sick pictures ive ever seen.

sick sick sick