Monkeys Guide How to use Rapidshare (and recognize phishing links):
Here's a guideline to activate the direct download option of your rapidshare premium account.
This is a real safe way to make sure, you don't login at phishing sites.
All rapidshare links you click or copy in your browser starts immediately without redirection.
Only exceptions are dead links (e.g. file not found, forbidden to share etc.).
Log into your account (picture 1) and make sure it's not a phishing site (see https picture 2).
Hover over the symbol.
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
English login picture (picture 3):
Picture 3:
German login picture (picture 4):
Picture 4:
A certificate pops up (picture 5):
Picture 5:
After you are logged into your account, go to options (picture 6):
Picture 6:
Check the Direct Download box (picture 7):
Picture 7:
Now every download starts immediately as long as you are logged into your account (if you don't delete the RS cookie).
The language you can see in my pictures is German, but I think the buttons should be on the same place.
Here is a typical rapidshare phishing example (picture 8).
Picture 8:
You can see though I'm logged into my RS account, the site can't find the cookie (of course, it's a fake site and they cannot read the RS cookies).
Another one (picture 9):
Picture 9:
You can see the difference between real and fake.
Here's a naked phishing link without redirection (picture 10):
Picture 10:
Here's an address without (picture 11) and with redirection (picture 12):
Picture 11:
Picture 12:
A popular and often used link protection site used by phishers to disguise their fake sites is (picture 13):
Picture 13:
But they also use other protection sites to disguise their phishing sites.
Will continued.
Monkey D. Ruffy