Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 12:08 pm
action items 2 by Mylah 14 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
Sometimes in order to achieve success in business, it's important to put yourself in the boss' chair - to globally formulate your own end-to-end leadership skills. By the same token, Mylah needs to re-contextualize herself as a proactive team member- really put her feet up, so to speak. It's the only way she's going to really optimize her private networks. After all - high yields require high risk.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 10:47 am
lilac wine by Lea_Bloom 13 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 8m 30s
It wasn't hard to title this one - Lea Bloom's pale, delicate skin and the gentle lilac color of her panties and those sheets put me immediately in mind of Jeff Buckley's version of that beautiful song. And oh, she is heady, Lea Bloom - her seeming fragility only contributing to the allure of watching her escalate. Blissful oblivion by means of intoxication - yes. Yes.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 9:02 am
Devochka's Video Diary 2 by Devochka 12 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<376MB] 1280x720 10m 16s
Seeing myself so nervous in this video made me squirm. In hindsight it seems so unnecessary - would it really have been so bad if my housemate came home and caught me in her room? At the time I thought so. The possibility of being caught is a double edged sword for me: scary but arousing at the same time. The camera was set up on on a tripod on the bed, you can see it shake when I orgasm.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 7:43 am
nuances 1 by Elfi 11 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<304MB] 1280x720 7m 52s
Elfi's nearly silent masturbation exerts a curious hold over me - I pay closer attention, turn up the volume to hear every single shuddery breath and the tiny, wet noises of her fingers' movement. Her face as well, so beautiful and understated, the signs of her arousal visible in the flare of her nostrils and the way her mouth opens just a little more... yeah. I like the subtle ones.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 7:19 am
Charlotte_V Up Close 2 by charlotte_v 10 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 5m 53s
Oh Charlotte... you are really phenomenal. Your skin looks so warm and inviting under these soft lights, and the shape of you on the bed makes my brain do all kinds of love-y flip flops... as Charlotte V escalates, that feeling of awe inside me escalates along with her, until it feels as if I need her climax almost as much as she does.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 04, 2020 6:48 am
in the wind 2 by Georgia_L 09 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 8m 30s
It's funny - I'm sure that we all have 'types', or however you want to say it. Visual aspects of people, actions, facial expressions - just details that drive us wild, which wouldn't necessarily have the same effect on someone else. For me, Georgia_L just keeps hitting that spot - and so without being able to say exactly why, I find myself falling half in love.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 9:49 pm
HD MP4 [405MB] 1920x1080 9m47s
A woman rubbing herself through her jeans is an arousal trigger for me - something about being able to see the shapes of her even through that thick denim fabric, or perhaps, it’s about that hard, strong seam that always runs between the legs, from zipper to bum. Whatever it is, Isla’s working it.

screenshot screenshot
Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 8:42 pm
laid back 1 by Aurora_C 08 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<229MB] 1280x720 5m 56s
There's something about the way that Aurora lies there with one breast exposed that puts me in mind of classical art, something mythological, something Grecian, Whatever it is, I love it, imagining her as a modern day Artemis, dedicated only to her sport, her pleasure inaccessibly wild.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 8:29 pm
the hostess 1 by Elsa_H 07 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<200MB] 1280x720 7m 6s
Elsa_H conveys perfectly that strange, peaceful loneliness every hostess knows well - the feeling of emptiness after everyone has gone home, the dishes that you'll do tomorrow, that last glass of wine you probably should have avoided. That's also the happy hour when you stop having to do everything - the time for Elsa to put her feet up on the tablecloth, and treat herself to some of her own sweet hospitality.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 8:07 pm
give voice 2 by Chan_J 06 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
I wish there was a voice-over here, reading from Chan J's phone. It would be so good to start out reading a sexy story, and then once our hands are busy to leave off, while someone else takes over the narration. A narrator who did all the voices... paid attention to which words produced the most marked effect... hmm. If anyone knows any voice actors looking for a new career path, you can send them my way.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 7:30 pm
Devochka's Video Diary 1 by Devochka 05 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<390MB] 1280x720 10m 41s
"It's so exciting to look back on this diary now and see how much my life and sexuality have changed. When I filmed this I had never made myself orgasm with my hands. Vibrators give the kind of constant stimulation that makes very internally focused, to the point that outward expressions of pleasure distract me from my experience. So here I am, alone, not performing for anyone, not having to tell anyone I'm enjoying myself because I know I am." - Devochka

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 7:28 pm
blue wash 1 by Kenji 04 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<310MB] 1280x720 8m 0s
Kenji seems at peace this afternoon, the air itself heavy and comforting, her hands on her body, slow and steady. As the light dims into evening, her touching grows more insistent, as she pulls and teases, losing herself in that thoughtless ecstasy.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 11:24 am
hot and heavy 3 by roxy_h 03 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<270MB] 1280x720 6m 59s
It's really interesting to hear Roxy and Traci articulate the physicality of their vulvas, picking through vocabulary as they seek out the correct words and phrases. It's not something people commonly do, as far as I know - describing the way our private parts look. For me, though, the best part is when Traci gets distracted, forgetting to answer a question about toys as she watches Roxy play with hers.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 10:28 am
in the wind 1 by Georgia_L 02 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 44s
As a bit of a guitar-plucker myself, I have an inkling as to what's going on here - for me at least, when that urge to play music is satiated, it's nearly always replaced by the temptation to move my hands down, and stroke something a bit softer. Maybe Georgia_L is the same. Maybe her body, already tranced out with song, transitions easily into the thick and sweet mind-space of arousal.

Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Jun 03, 2020 7:59 am
gold dust 1 by Senna 01 Feb 2015
HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m 17s
I remember Aven posting the preview for this video way back in July. Senna, curled around herself on ivory colored sheets, her chestnut hair, soft, falling across her face - I was instantly moved by those beautiful images. Now, 7 months later, I get to see Senna in motion, every bit as different and evocative as that early hint of her implied.
