Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 04, 2020 5:21 pm
and then some 1 by clarissa
07 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 62mb 9m12s

Clarissa is a classic beauty with a body (and a brain) to die for, and more energy to expend in one hour than most of us have in a week. Today we give you but a taste of that as she displays how a lady can go from graceful to growling in under sixty seconds. Most of us can, by the way. You just have to push the right buttons.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2020 5:04 pm
HD MP4 [400MB] 1920x1080 8m36s
So subtle, so good. Without the release of loud cries, Altea’s focus remains deep within, concentrating all the intense sensations inside. This leaves the only the outward signs of her arousal for us treasure seekers to track - the involuntary movements of her legs, her breath, as it begins to race, her tensely stretched feet and toes, and the speed of her hand as she needs more and more. All signalling toward her inevitable collision with bliss.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2020 4:55 pm
subsonic by aiko
06 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 47mb 6m54s

The truth is, you have no idea what's going on in your backyard. There could be snakes, there could be gnomes, and there could be Aiko, and unless you investigate, you'll never know. She's very good and entering and exiting without so much of a whisper's worth of sound, so unless you trip over her, you might not find her.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2020 4:54 pm
wordplay reissue by Glynn_G
05 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 51mb 7m12s

Glynn has a unique way of talking herself (and perhaps us) through a session of auto-eroticism and while I can't say I always understand what she's saying, I always find whatever it is to be hot! It's worth a look back through the Glynn archives if you haven't familiarised yourself with this style, and there's no time like the present!

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2020 4:52 pm
double play by ellis
04 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 51mb 7m41s

Ellis is a 'switch-hitter', so to speak – and for those who think baseball analogies do not apply to female masturbation, you've got a double play on your hands in today's clip. She covers all of the bases – hands, toys, positions, you name it – and doesn't even stop for a seventh-inning stretch.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 03, 2020 4:51 pm
low pitch by isebelle
03 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 34mb 5m23s

Isebelle's orgasms are more seen than heard, so you're safe to keep the volume up if you like. Her spasms involve her entire body and you can almost feel the pulses of energy she exudes in her climax, brought on by some of the most graceful-looking fingers IFM has ever seen.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 02, 2020 5:11 pm
HD MP4 [322MB] 1920x1080 6m49s
It’s a conundrum - sex toys are expensive, and the shopping tally gets even more eyebrow-raising when you realise that just one toy is not really going to cut it. The practical girl’s solution to high-budget needs, of course, is making use of household items to close the gap. With her hairbrush doubling as a dildo, her wand vibrator can shine, urging her to one incredible gush of an orgasm.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 02, 2020 5:01 pm
exhaust 1 by brigitta
02 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 44mb 6m42s

If there's one thing we've learned about Brigitta thus far, it's that her sexuality is exhaustive of possibility, as is her toy collection. Both are in easy reach today in her Homemade, and thank Goddess she used the auto-focus – this lady is all over the place. Stay tuned for way more than you can even deal with…

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 02, 2020 4:59 pm
mercy by hailey
01 Apr 2008
WMV 640x480 49mb 6m59s

Hot, hot Hailey is today's fresh face on IFM. While her hands seem pretty capable to do the job, her toy seems even more capable, and when faced with that information, what would you choose? I like the way she seems to be at the mercy of its buzz.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 02, 2020 4:58 pm
tick tick tick by brown_sugar
31 Mar 2008
WMV 640x480 36mb 6m0s

We couldn't have asked for a more fitting little soundtrack to illustrate what happens to time in the IFM bedroom than Brown Sugar and her ticking watch. We can hear it intermittently and are reminded of the time passing, but it becomes so disjointed that it no longer can be used as a reference point.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 02, 2020 4:56 pm
time framed by amada
30 Mar 2008
WMV 640x480 46mb 6m55s

When you look at a photograph or a piece of two-dimensional art, what you see automatically invokes what you don't see – what's outside the frame. The same thing goes for videos like this one. You think of what came before and what came after this short moment of time we've witnessed, and are connected with its everdayness.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 01, 2020 5:17 pm
HD MP4 [452MB] 1920x1080 9m44s
No need to ask, just receive
Believe it's yours to take what thrills you inside
They say your body's a temple, well, boy were they right
This feels so simple, I could kiss you all night
And I could spend forever in the palm of your hand.- Jay Brannan

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 01, 2020 5:09 pm
recollect by naomi
29 Mar 2008
WMV 640x480 43mb 6m34s

It isn't often that we are called to recount our sexual history and give our perspective on why we like what we like, and it can be quite a turn-on. I like to think that perhaps Naomi had that experience with her Lucubrations, and is playing back some of those stories in her head in today's clip.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 01, 2020 5:08 pm
esprit 1 by emmalina
28 Mar 2008
WMV 640x480 117mb 15m40s

Today we welcome Emmalina to the ranks of IFM ladies, and she wins this week's Spirit Award for sure – anyone who picks up the bed during her orgasm is a shoo-in. In her second instalment, which is to-be-released, she'll lift a small car with one hand – that's how much energy this lady's got.

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Godfather of Grandfather of Forumophilia
Added: Aug 01, 2020 5:06 pm
brink 2 by harper
25 Mar 2008
WMV 640x480 119mb 15m41s

Videos that are this lengthy give us more of that 'fly on the wall' sort of feeling. The person we are watching clearly is not terribly phased by the fact that we are watching, and that we're going to be late for work if she keeps going...ok, well fifteen minutes is fine if we just work back another 15...ah, forget it, I'm taking the day off and spending it with Harper.

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