I'm probably spamming
Added: Aug 13, 2005 4:57 am
Ok I know this has been done before but I've meaning to get around to learning regular expresions for a while (don't ask :p) and having thousands of teenfuns images lying around unsorted it seemed the perfect way to learn...

So I made a batch file to sort images into folders, and make a count of all the files per set and give a rough list of sets that I have (hav.txt, this lists sets that only have even one image) and sets that I have *no* images from (havnot.txt). The zip attached should also include the php file that I used to make a list of pictures missing from zip files in the Customer support form.

Ok so now for the instructions Wink
save the zip file and extract the contents to the base folder where all you'r teenfuns image are, for example if you downloaded all zip files and extracted them to 'c:\picture\teenfuns\' then extract the files in this zip to 'c:\picture\teenfuns\' and double-click all.bat.
I mainly tested this with only TF pictures below where the batch file is run from so I recommend having all TF pictures seperate form any other .jpg files before you run the batch file.
also after the first time you run the file you should rename the folder 'outdir' to something else because if that folder exists and you run the batch again it'll cause some problem (shouldn't lose any files but it'll mess up the nice folder sorting Smile

In short if all you TF pics are in 'c:\picture\teenfuns\' just extract to that folder and run all.bat

the end result should be somthing like 'name\set\image.jpg'

the .exe file's are from so you could download them from there for the absolute latest version, instead of the using the ones in the zip. the programs you need are grep.exe sed.exe sort.exe and uniq.exe.

any comments welcome (or suggestions on improving my regular expresions Wink