Good Poster
Added: Aug 10, 2005 8:20 pm
I guess many of you have seen the free ipod thing on the web...

Well, if you're after a free iPOD.. Click here:

Just sign up, complete and offer and get 5 friends to sign up..

I signed up for the eFAX offer.. and although it said I had to stay signed up for 31 days.. I cancelled withing 15 minutes and it still counted towards my iPOD... Very Happy As 5 hours later I got an email confirming it Smile
Added: Aug 11, 2005 3:44 pm
I always believed that the Ipod thing was just spam...
Super Pornicator
Good Poster
Added: Aug 11, 2005 7:51 pm
Well, it does get spammed everywhere but its not just spam. I've gotten 2 free ipods and one ipod shuffle, easiest $700 I've ever made. I'll warn you on this though, its only worth if you absolutely DON'T give a crap about whether or not you actually get the ipod in the end, AND if you sincerely want to try one of the offers they want you to sign up for.

In my case, I was going to sign up for blockbuster anyways and so I did the offer for a friend. I then stuck my link in various signature files, not really expecting much, but before I knew it my first free ipod was on its way.

My friend however, spent hours upon hours harrassing people to do offers and checked the ipod site every 10 minutes for two or three months until he finally got the ipod. Along the way his account got put on hold once because of people cancelling their offers too quickly, and so he had to deal with that for a few weeks. With all of that time and aggravation he would have been better off just pick up a temp job for a few days and working for the ipod, IMO.

Moral of the story: These things definitely work but they can take a long time and there are many places where one could go wrong and possibly not get the prize, but if you're like me and you don't really care about ipods or psps, then it definitely doesn't hurt to give it a shot.
Added: Aug 13, 2005 1:18 pm
Thanks for the hint Super Pornicator.