She’s The Girl Next Door that never lived next door to any one of us.She’s the Playboy Playmate that was so hot she moved right in.
And now you’ll see her like you’ve never seen any celebrity before. With whips, chains, riding a crop and her boyfriend, TV star Sam Jones III all over her... in cars, hotel rooms, the bath, you name it.
Watch some of the most controversial footage we’ve ever released... Karissa Shannon Superstar... never has a girl this hot been so nasty
Karissa Shannon (born October 2, 1989; Ann Arbor, Michigan) is an American glamour model and Playboy Playmate
In a July 2010 interview, Karissa revealed she is dating actor Sam Jones III, with whom she made a sex tape
Playmate Karissa Shannon and samjones III (from Smallville) scandale sextape
913Mb 1:56:19 min AVI 640x360
Karissa_Shannon_-_Sextape.avi (913.7 Mb)
My Megathreads:
Unbelievable hardcore video
Asian male fucking White female AMWF