I'm probably spamming
Added: Aug 07, 2005 1:49 am
Once upon a time.....

there were Siamese Twins named Becky and Beckie.
Their sex-life was quite complicated of course....


they met a real dirty and horny frog.
They turned their heads away and their eyes down. The frog was just to ugly and slimy... .

But the frog said : "This country is ruled by equal opportunity laws, so you better kiss me, in reality I'm a Prince and I was bewitched a long time ago and it's your job to release me".

So Becky kissed him and Beckie meanwhile did a good blow.



the frog was turned back into the Prince who he originally was and said :

"I really would like to thank you for that, but I don't have anything I could give you. So lets have some nice sex together instead, I'm quite good in that".

When he started to fuck the shit out of the Twins, he didn't know to who of the two he wanted to have eye contact with.
With each stroke he shook his head to look from one to the other and then his whole body started shaking from left to right and back.

But he wouldn't cum...
So he fucked and fucked and rocked and shook ....until he tore them into 2 pieces.

From then on Becky and Beckie had their own sexlife....
and lived and fucked happily on and on as lovely individuals !!
Respected Poster
Added: Aug 07, 2005 6:48 am
Added: Aug 07, 2005 7:03 am
oh god what a bad joke. poor guy, he had to do the dirty job of fucking that thing. ha ha ha. nice photoshop job. Shocked
Added: Aug 07, 2005 7:10 am
cinderella squared
Respected Poster
Added: Aug 07, 2005 10:32 am
Good Poster
Added: Aug 07, 2005 11:39 pm
Little cinderella
She was in boogie nights.
Respected Poster
Added: Sep 07, 2005 11:17 pm
hehe, that was kinda freaky, but still worth a laugh.
VIP club member
Added: Sep 11, 2005 8:12 pm
That´s why I dont like drugs