Quote: <16>/<17> Br**y*n* from California, USA from a custom set made on 15 October 2004 (shows her bum in both pix)
Sorry - I had to delete these references because I discovered from several reliable sources that she was only around the start of her <15>th year at the time of this set, or maybe even the end of her <14>th year. They also say K** is about a year older than Br**y*n*.
<16>/<17> K**m*n* aka K** from California, USA from a custom set made on 11 November 2004
http://************************* (she's bottomless!)
http://************************* (reveals a nipple)
I found this on another message board -- I know, it's not concrete, but it just goes to show that even in the worst case scenario (she was < 16 in 2004), she'd be > 18 now.
I think that the stuff where she looks young is young, but any new / current stuff, she is definitely legit.