I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 09, 2008 8:15 am
Tnx Badgerstripe, back when i was a member it was not even a nippleslip.

Added: Mar 09, 2008 8:20 am
badgerstripe... you ARE the man!!! thank toy thank you!! Shocked Very Happy
Good Poster
Added: Mar 09, 2008 10:42 pm
Thanks for all the new stuff badgerstripe.
Good Poster
Added: Mar 10, 2008 3:24 am
I am speechless!!!!
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 10, 2008 5:06 am
As a former fan who had no idea she did stuff like that, this is the porn equivalent of a religious experience.

Good Poster
Added: Mar 10, 2008 9:13 am
Badgerstripe: It is not easy to be surprised nowadays but the Vicki cam sessions have been a remarkable surprise! Many many thanks. It also proves that the theory that the girls that for years do not show their naughty bits is because they have none, is wrong. Very Happy
Respected Poster
Added: Mar 10, 2008 12:26 pm
Nice vids! Did she ever hook up on cam with Staci or Lanie?

I saw one members cam session where she did, but she turned the camera away so no one could really see any thing. She said they were making a private video for her webmaster. Lucky guy.
Added: Mar 10, 2008 9:19 pm
holy shit, thanks so much
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 11, 2008 5:16 pm
I go away for a few days and i come back to my prayers answered.

I will post more from the site in the next few days. Alas the content won't be this revealing

I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 12, 2008 9:48 am
feldman wrote:
Nice vids! Did she ever hook up on cam with Staci or Lanie?

I saw one members cam session where she did, but she turned the camera away so no one could really see any thing. She said they were making a private video for her webmaster. Lucky guy.

LOL, I think I recall that chat. At least I remember Staci having a video camera and she and Vicki were laughing about what was on it, but wouldn't show us anything from it.

I was a member of their sites for quite a while, but I dropped off in recent years once the girls started peeling away.

I must say, I'm also surprised by these Vicki vids. I never would have figured she have chats like these. Were these member chats or something custom she did for a specific member?

Any chance of any vids like this floating around of Staci, Lanie or Josie(or Kris or Veronica and any other girls they had around that I can't recall)?
Added: Mar 12, 2008 10:42 am
What's the codec used for these clips?
I can't get them to play in Media Player Classic, VLC, Winamp.. well any player I have really...
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 13, 2008 2:48 am
thankyou sir. been waiting years to see this shit.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 13, 2008 8:28 am
Ozzice13 wrote:
What's the codec used for these clips?
I can't get them to play in Media Player Classic, VLC, Winamp.. well any player I have really...

GSpot says it's called TechSmith Screen Capture Codec. You can download it here: hxxp://

Strangely, GSpot also says I don't have it installed, but I have no problems playing the files.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 14, 2008 2:12 am
I always use ffmpeg [] to convert from any kind of video to one that I can play. Works with almost anything.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Mar 14, 2008 2:15 pm
nice work posting these. i'd seen some screen shots floating around, but not the vids